Business Goal to Achieve Part 1


Do you have a business goal to achieve this year? Let me share to you my business goal today, for it will help me a lot in achieving this, that’s why I should tell other people, just for an extra challenge, so what is it? There are businessmen who are very successful because they are not contented in just one branch or just make $1,000,000 a month, they are building or opening another business branch, and they are calling these business branches as their “money machines”. So my business goal, is to build a lot of money machines, which it will help me to achieve my time and financial freedom earlier. My businesses can be found online and offline, for today, let me give you the details on my business goal, how should my business grow and what would it be after few years.

Business Goal to Achieve on My Agricultural Business

I have an agricultural business, I started it with only 5 (don’t want to say the specific), with a capital of $1,000 and I am looking forward to it to grow as fast as time goes by. My goal is to have 125 every 3 months so that it will give me an extra pure profit of $1,500.


Having an specific goal in life is one of the best way to control your life and to know where you’re really going, what would be your life in a certain period of time. Just like a student taking an engineer course and he is expecting to finish college and have an engineer diploma after 5 years of studying. Aside from that, one of his goal is just not to have a college diploma but to be a license engineer and become a famous engineer in his town or country so that he will have a lot of project, more projects more money will come.

I need to focus my mind to achieve this goal, for as I know it is the best way to improve my financial situation in my family and to increase my income so that I can also fund the other investment products I am into, like stock market and mutual funds.

Achieve Business Goal to Achieve Financial Freedom

The reason why I want to grow my business and make a lot of profits (more money) and get rich is to help myself financially and have time freedom, because when the time comes when I am financially free, I can easily help other people especially my loved ones. I can also easily buy my dream home which has a two story, 3 bed rooms, 2 toilet and bath, with library/study room and music room and of course; a office for my business. Aside for my dream house, I can also buy my dream car; the very simple but elegant SUV; Ford Everest.

I will try another business when this business achieved its goal, when I have a 125 (?), I must also build more cash machines, but maybe in the same industry. I will do everything just to achieved my ultimate goal in life; to become happy and rich!

I believe I can do it, and nothing is impossible. I started this year and i must see a great results in the middle of next year. What about you? Do you have your business and how do you treat it? Do you have a big plan and a big goal for your business? If you don’t have a business yet, kindly join the discussion about how to start your own business, thank you for reading. Update: I have achieved my goal! Thank you Lord.

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