Best Online Digital Marketing Business Courses for Increasing Passive Income


We work hard every day to earn a living. Our income feeds us, shelters us, brings us places, and affords us experiences. But while you hustle more than eight hours a day to ensure sustenance for the next couple of weeks, others live a comfortable life from their passive income.

Passive income may seem like a dream to many, but those who do digital marketing know that you only need to put in some initial effort and perhaps pay some up-front costs and then reap the rewards of a steady stream of income even as they sleep. Yes, if you didn’t know it yet, online digital marketing has the potential to allow you to earn a lucrative income without the demands and hustle that come with a day job.


If you’re interested in learning more about online digital marketing business courses, it helps to find and approach a reputable mentor, such as coaching program for efficient coaching service. Next, you’d want to invest in the best digital marketing courses to further enrich your knowledge and apply theories to practical situations. Here’s a rundown of the top online digital marketing business courses that helps you earn and increase passive income.

Best Online Digital Marketing Business Courses for Passive Income

  1. Google’s Online Marketing Challenge

The Google Online Marketing Challenge (GOMC) is a popular venue that gathers both graduate and undergraduate students forming a team composed of three to six. They compete with other teams from all around the world and put their knowledge and skills on Google+ and Google AdWords into real-world use.

The competition provides each team with $250 and uses it for their Google AdWords campaign for their chosen nonprofit or business entity. It offers a fun and practical experience for anyone who’s interested in Internet marketing and at the same time provides insights on how digital marketing applies to businesses and organizations beyond the learnings from a classroom or theories encapsulated on a course.

Courtesy: Google’s Online Marketing Challenge
  1. HubSpot Academy’s Content Marketing Certification Course

Created by many respected thought leaders in content marketing, this particular course delivers what every newbie in content marketing should know and learn. As content is considered king in digital marketing, what this course aims to teach students is to learn the basics of content marketing, specifically on storytelling and creating compelling content. The course comes with 12 videos, and each video ends with a quiz.

At the end of the course, students are required to pass the exam that’s composed of 45 questions to obtain certification. Over the years, this digital marketing course has granted more than 137,000 certifications to online marketers.

  1. Coursera’s Digital Marketing Specialization

The Digital Marketing Specialization Course by Coursera is an excellent and comprehensive guide that’s ideal for beginners. This course is especially appealing to new and seasoned digital marketers because it is affiliated with the MBA degree program of Illinois University.

Anyone who desires to upskill their digital marketing expertise and knowledge can take advantage of this course, as long as they can spare up to 10 hours studying it per week, which runs for a whole month on its first module. The entire course runs for four to six months and costs $474.

The Digital Marketing Specialization online course comes with exhaustive modules, exploring SEO, social media marketing, and digital marketing analytics, to name a few.  According to Coursera, this course is one that has the most significant impacts on the lives of their students.

  1. Alison’s Free Diploma in E-Business

As one of the first providers of massive online open courses, Alison offers a free class on e-business, covering fundamental topics of SEO, AdWords, campaign tracking, understanding analytics, and many more. The session lasts for 6–10 hours, which you can learn at your own pace. It also comes with a certification at the end.

Alison’s Free Diploma in E-Business aims to provide a holistic understanding on what digital marketing is, what its impacts on the business landscape are, and how you can make the most of them in your entrepreneurial life. It teaches the student not only how to craft effective copies for their web content but also how to manage and appropriately budget for their online ads and campaigns and the essential skills they need to know and learn in between.

The 21st century brought about a highly innovative and competitive landscape for businesses. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an aspiring one, taking digital marketing business courses can offer you some of the best knowledge you can invest in. These courses, along with many others, will not only help your business stay afloat in modern times, but learning the proper implementation of strategies allows your business to flourish and become more profitable.

Do you have other suggestions about the best online digital marketing business courses for passive income, then try to leave them in the comment box below. Stay tuned for more tips, tricks, strategies about online digital marketing that produces passive income.

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