YOAST SEO Plugin Tutorial: Keyword & Readability Analysis On/Off


Here’s another YOAST SEO Plugin tutorial. Here I want to share to all SEO addicts and YOAST SEO Plugin users how to turn off the keyword analysis and readability analysis whenever you want to create a new blog post. We (bloggers and webmasters) know that search engine optimization is very important. The On-Page SEO part will become very easy because of YOAST SEO plugin.

Using a Yoast SEO Plugin is a very big help for me and for other bloggers. This SEO plugin had many advantages. It will help you analyze your focus keyword in you content if it was used or abused.


The YOAST SEO plugin will also help you clean your permalink by removing the stop words. Other important use of this plugin is that it will help you analyze your content (the readability and on-page SEO). My favorite features of this plugin is that allows you to completely make the blog title and post title different in the search engine results page.

I know you read a lot of review about YOAST SEO Plugin. I am sure you are interested to use it in your WordPress blog. Maybe you ask, how to use YOAST SEO. Here’s the answer;

  • Install the YOAST SEO Plugin. without the plugin, you can’t use the features, of course. There are two popular ways to install plugins in your WordPress; (1) download the plugin and install (Download) (2) directly search the YOAST SEO plugin and install.
  • After you installed the YOAST SEO Plugin, all you need to do is to learn how to set up the pugin. Take a look at the Yoast dashboard, the title and metas, connecting your social profiles, adding XML sitemaps, the advanced features, the tools and the search console (getting connected with Google Webmaster Tool).

YOAST SEO Plugin Tutorial: Keyword & Readability Analysis On/Off

If you don’t want to see the YOAST SEO when creating a blog post, all you need to do is to click “Screen Options” and uncheck the YOAST SEO box.

However, the readability and keyword analysis provided by YOAST SEO plugin is till showing in the sidebar when you’re creating or editing a blog post. This YOAST SEO tutorial will guide you how to hide YOAST SEO completely.

Turning ON/OFF the Readability and Keyword Analysis in YOAST SEO Plugin

STEP 1. Go to “Title and Metas”. You can enabled or disabled the analysis in your YOAST SEO in the general settings of “Title and Metas”.

STEP 2.  Click “Disabled” or “Enabled” in the analysis settings. (See Image Below).

STEP 3. Save Changes. The settings will not take effect if you forgot to save your settings.

Now you know how to enable or disable the keyword analysis and readability analysis in YOAST SEO. The question is “should you turn the analysis off?” A big NO, if you want to make your content stand up. Take a look at what you can get if you enable the YOAST SEO Keyword and Readability Analysis;

YOAST SEO Plugin SEO Analysis on Focus Keyword

(Take a look at this checklist when I am writing one of my blog post).

  • No meta description has been specified, search engines will display copy from the page instead.
  • OK SEO score The slug for this page is a bit long, consider shortening it.
  • OK SEO score This page has 1 outbound link(s), all nofollowed.
  • Good SEO score The focus keyword appears in 2 (out of 2) subheadings in the copy. While not a major ranking factor, this is beneficial.
  • Good SEO score The images on this page contain alt attributes with the focus keyword.
  • Good SEO score The text contains 497 words. This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of 300 words.
  • Good SEO score The keyword density is 2.4%, which is great; the focus keyword was found 12 times.
  • Good SEO score The SEO title contains the focus keyword, at the beginning which is considered to improve rankings.
  • Good SEO score The page title has a nice length.
  • Good SEO score The focus keyword appears in the URL for this page.
  • Good SEO score The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.
  • Good SEO score You’ve never used this focus keyword before, very good.

Now I know what to do with my content, the YOAST SEO Plugin will suggest what to do. It suggest that I need to insert another “outbound link”, YOAST SEO suggest that I need to shorten the URL of my web page and most of all, my web page don’t have any meta description.

YOAST SEO Plugin SEO Analysis on Readability

Take a look of this example when I wrote my article. It indicates that I need to improve the readability of my blog post. Should I mind it? I think YES. Readability is very important to site users.

  • The text contains 5 consecutive sentences starting with the same word. Try to mix things up!
  • 23.7% of the sentences contain a transition word or phrase, which is less than the recommended minimum of 30%.
  • 11.9% of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of 10%. Try to use their active counterparts.
  • The copy scores 71.9 in the Flesch Reading Ease test, which is considered fairly easy to read.
  • The amount of words following each of the subheadings doesn’t exceed the recommended maximum of 300 words, which is great.
  • None of the paragraphs are too long, which is great.
  • 12.3% of the sentences contain more than 20 words, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of 25%.

Related: SEO Consultants and Experts Aggresively Promote Services via Email

What about you? What do you think about the new features of YOAST SEO Plugin? Should you disabled the readability and keyword analysis when you create or edit a blog post? Share your thoughts and opinions about this topic. Thank you.

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