World’s Richest People, 8 Out of 10 are from United States


Want to know the richest people in the world aside from Bill Gates and Warren Buffet of United States? Here is the top 10 world’s billionaire’s list from with the billionaire’s name, age, net worth and the source of wealth. Tracking the net worth of richest people in the world can make us become inspired and become like them; a high net worth individuals.

I am wondering why there are many Americans who made their fortune. Why there are 8 out of 10 richest people are from United States of America? Is it because USA was called as the land of opportunity? Of course you know that the richest person named Bill Gates of Microsoft is from USA. What about the other 7 American billionaires? Guess who?


Top 3 World’s Billionaires are From United States

  1. Bill Gates
  2. Warren Buffett
  3. Jeff Bezos

Bill Gates who have a net worth of $86 billion at age 61 and ranked number 1 in Forbes World’s Billionaires. The founder of Microsoft,Inc. from United States. Ranked number 2 is Warren Buffett with a net worth of $75.6 billion at age 86. Warren Buffett source of wealth is his company Berkshire Hathaway also from United States.

Jeff Bezos a 53 year old guy with a net worth amounting to $72.8 billion. Jeff Bezos source of wealth is the famous online shopping site from United States.

Amancio Ortega (from Spain) Ranked 4 in World’s Billionaire’s List

Amancio Ortega ranked number 4 in the Forbes World’s Billionaires list with a net worth of $71.3 billion at age 81. Zara is his source of wealth. Amancio Ortega country of Citizenship is Spain.

Mark Zuckerberg (ranked 5) The Youngest Among the Top 10 Billionaires is from USA

Mark Zuckerberg in his famous business model social media site has a net worth of $56 billion at age 32. Wow! What an amazing achievement. Mark Zuckerberg is also the youngest billionaire in the world. His country of citizenship is United States.

A Billionaire from Mexico Ranked 6th

Carlos Slim Helu (ranked 6) from Mexico has a net worth of $54.5 billion. I wonder why he ranked number 6 as of April 20, 2017. He was always ranked number 3 in the Forbes list of World’s Billionaires.

World’s Richest People, 8 Out of 10 are from United States

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Another 4 Richest People from United States

  • Larry Ellison
  • Charles Koch
  • David Koch
  • Michael Bloomberg

Larry Ellison from United States made his fortune in software industry. At age 72, Larry Ellison has a net worth of $52.2 billion making him ranked number 7 in Forbes List world’s richest people.

Charles Koch and David Koch ranked 8 to 9 with a net worth of $48.3 billion. They are both in United States. And Michael Bloomberg got ranked 10 with a net worth of $47.5 billion. His source of wealth is his company Bloomberg LP, also from United States.


The world’s richest people by rank according to;

  1. Bill Gates
  2. Warren Buffett
  3. Jeff Bezos
  4. Amancio Ortega
  5. Mark Zuckerberg
  6. Carlos Slim Helu
  7. Larry Hellison
  8. Charles Koch
  9. David Koch
  10. Michael Bloomberg

So, what can you say about the American billionaires? Why there are many richest people in United States? Who do you think will be the richest people in the world after 20 years? Is he Mark Zuckerberg now at age 32 got his net worth amounting to $56 billion? Say something about the richest people in the world. Stay tuned to Daily Investing Tips in for more updates about the world’s billionaires for next year. Leave a comment below!

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