World’s Famous and Rich People, The Richest Men & Women


Want to belong to the famous and rich people? This page will be the collections of article post about the famous and rich people in the world such as famous celebrities, athletes, supermodels, billionaires, businessmen etc.There are also ordinary people that should be written in this blog, those who got extra ordinary success, extra ordinary experiences and those people who are doing extra ordinary things.

A famous and rich people that we can get aspirations and inspirations on how to succeed in life. Let us all discuss these things, but first, we have to tell some ideas on how to become famous, do you want fame? Then this is what you should do,  you must get into show business, sports business or just do extra ordinary things and let other people knows about that good deeds, not just millions of people but billions of people.


Become Famous and Rich People in Music

Go into music, produce an beautiful song with a heart touching melodies and message in your song lyrics, it might be about, environment, peace or any other thing that you want to tell in your song.

See the example of the famous band “the BEATLES”, they are famous until today, they created beautiful songs and melodies, the song of John Lennon “imagine”, did you get my point?

Become Famous and Rich in Show Business

Aside from music industry, you will also get famous by being a celebrity, if your movie will become famous, you will become famous also, the chances are slim if you are involved in the movie that was not became famous.

Become Famous and Rich People in Sports

Go into sports, if you know Kobey Bryant, Michael Jordan, Lebron James, they are famous for people love playing basketball and since they love playing basketball, they will love also watching basketball players especially in NBA.

 Become Famous and Rich in Business

Businessmen or entrepreneurs became famous also for they provide jobs to other people (to many people), if there were no businessmen, there were no available jobs in your area, am i right. I salute every businessmen out there. You will easily became famous in business if it will grow worldwide, and if they create opportunity to earn a living for other people.

Businessmen help other people to get a job easily, that’s the good thing about being an entrepreneur, they hire people and these people will make money working for entrepreneurs. What to become famous in business? Then, you must read the guide on how to start your own business now.

Become Famous and Rich in Money

Of course, money is one of the most favorite “topic”, in this world, most of the time money is the measurement of success of an individual, if you have a lot of money and you are rich, you don’t have to tell people that you are rich, because it is already obvious because of your assets such as properties and businesses. if you want to become famous in money, then you must read the top secret of millionaires.

Become Famous and Rich in Good Deeds

You can also become famous when you will become a CNN hero, doing extra ordinary things, like caring for poor people, teaching out of school youth, caring for environment and many more things. You can do anything just to become famous.

Become Famous and Rich in Invention

You can create or invent a useful things that can be use for many years to come even our future generations, example of famous scientist or inventors who invented telephone, computer, light, an airplane, etc.

And remember this, if you are creative you can make a lot of money and easy for you to become rich and who knows, you will be the top billionaire in the world because of your invention.

Become World’s Famous and Rich People in Everything

There are people who are famous in everything, example a celebrity is rich and famous and he is doing extra ordinary things like taking care of elderly people or have a contribution about environment preservation.

If I will going to ask you a few question, who is your idol, who do you think the famous people that will serve as your reminder to become who you are someday, to become what you want to be, you want to become famous like Kobey Bryant, famous celebrity like tom Cruise, a famous billionaires like Warren Buffet, Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and many more.

Say your dream and goal, who you want to become? In my next article, I will talk about the famous people, will going to start with the most wealthiest also known as the world’s billionaires.

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