30 World Billionaire List from Forbes with Net Worth 2015


Looking for world billionaire list? Want to know who are the richest men listed in Forbes billionaire list? Let’s find out where these richest people came from and what are their net worth.

Here are the top 30 world billionaires net worth as of September 2015. Forbes.Com has a rich list whereas it track the net worth of these high net worth individuals (a.k.a. Billionaires). These year, as of September, 2015, still the richest man in the world is Bill Gates (CEO of Microsoft) with a total net worth of $79.2 Billion. Followed by Carlos Slim Helu with a total net worth of $77.1 Billion.Warren Buffett, the top 3 worlds billionaire has a total net worth of $72.7 Billion. Now, here are the top 30 billionaires in the world. We inserted the rank, the net worth and the citizenship (country of origin) so that you will know easily from which countries these billionaires are living.


World Billionaire List and their Net Worth (Update: September 20, 2015)

Rank Billionaires Net Worth  Citizenship
1 Bill Gates $79.2 Billion United States
2 Carlos Slim Helu & family $77.1 Billion Mexico
3 Warren Buffett $72.7 Billion United States
4 Amancio Ortega $64.5 Billion Spain
5 Larry Ellison $54.3 Billion United States
6 Charles Koch $42.9 Billion United States
7 David Koch $42.9 Billion United States
8 Christy Walton $41.7 Billion  United States
9 Jim Walton $40.6 Billion  United States
10 Liliane Bettencourt $40.1 Billion  France
11 Alice Walton $39.4 Billion  United States
12 Robson Walton $39.1 Billion  United States
13 Bernard Arnault $37.2 Billion France
14 Michael Bloomberg $35.5 Billion United States
15 Jeff Bezos $34.8 Billion United States
16 Mark Zuckerberg $33.4 Billion United States
17 Li Ka-shing $33.3 Billion  Hong Kong
18 Sheldon Andelson $31.4 Billion  United States
19 Larry Page $29.7 Billion United States
20 Sergey Brin $29.2 Billion United States
21 Georg Schaeffler  $26.9 Billion Germany
22  Forrest Mars, Jr.  $26.6 Billion  United States
23  Jacqueline Mars  $26.6 Billion  United States
24  John Mars  $26.6 Billion  United States
25  David Thomson  $25.5 Billion  Canada
26 Jorge Paulo Lemann $25.0 Billion  Brazil
27 Lee Shau Kee $24.8 Billion  Hong Kong
28 Stefan Persson $24.5 Billion  Sweden
29.1 George Soros $24.2 Billion United States
29.2 Wang Jianlin $24.2 Billion  China

Data Source: Forbes Billionaire List at

George Soros  and Wang Jianlin are tied ranked #30 with the same net worth of $24.2 Billion. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook has a net worth of $33.4 while Google guys Sergey Brin and Larry Page has a combination net worth total of $58.9 Billion. Larry Page has a total net worth of $29.7 Billion while Sergey Brin has a total net worth of $29.2 Billion.

What do you think? What can you say about this world billionaire list? Can you guess, how these great people became billionaire? What do you think is their strategies how do these rich men multiply their net worth? The answer is “they are buying assets” and “they usually avoid “liabilities”. Share you thoughts about these top 30 world billionaires net worth as of September 2015. Thanks!

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