WordPress Vs. Blogger (the final answer)


Actually I still use although I already a wordpress blogs. I mean wordpress blog (with s). I maintained 2 blogs named after and guess the other one – it’s also about financial planning and investing.

I will not make this post very long. A short and simple sharing to every newbie bloggers like me about WordPress Vs. Bloggers. Many bloggers are still wondering and curious which one is better. Do I need to share my experience in using blogger and wordpress?


I assume you already know who owns blogger and wordpress. I also assumed you know that blogger and wordpress are blogging platforms used by many professional bloggers.

WordPress Vs. Blogger in Web Designing

When I was started blogging, I read in many blogs recommends WordPress. I tried it. Yes, it is great. But, honestly I will not recommend it because if you are already familiar with blogger (such as customization, designing, SEOing), stick to blogger).

There are many blogger templates nowadays that can help you make your blog look professional. For as low as $10, you can have your own blog with blogger if you don’t want to see the “blogspot” in your domain. it’s ugly when you see, You can use only in blogger. Just redirect your domain name registered in Namecheap.

WordPress Vs. Blogger in SEO

WordPress wins! There are lots of wordpress plugins that can help you optimize your blog pages. Such as the Yoast SEO. However, in today’s blogging trends. SEO is very easy to implement. Just write quality post just like this post and this post teaching you how to prosper!

In SEO, just use H1 and H2 tags, keywords on title and meta description and you’re fine! But that’s not the big deal. The secret is even if you are not optimizing your blog pages, you can still rank your pages in Google or any major search engines as long as your post is a “quality blog post”.

Just for the sake of this discussion. In WordPress you can create a meta description. Do you think you can do it in blogger. YES! As I have mentioned awhile ago, as long as you know how to customize your blogger blog, it’s fine not to use WordPress and stick to blogger.

Your Efforts Count

Imagine if you wrote 1,000 blog post in and one day, the owner of will shut your blog down! You will feel frustrated. That’s the reasons why there are many professional bloggers who recommend WordPress.

If you will invest in a webhost, just like what I did! You are not worrying that all your files will only disappear and gone. I choose HostGator, believe me, it’s easy to install WordPress if you will use HostGator. Maybe you asked, why did I choose hostgator?

It’s a user friendly! I may say that a beginner should use Hostgator and Namecheap. They are both great. They provide high quality services. I remember, when I installed my first WordPress blog, and I can’t even access my site. I send a ticket to Hostgator and in a minute they gave me the instructions on how to fix the problem on my site.


Whether you are just blogging for hobby or you blog for money, you can either use Blogger or WordPress. They are both awesome blogging platform. Many bloggers are using WordPress, but it doesn’t mean you should use it because everybody is using it.

You must think your blogging goal. If your goal is to just share your daily life experiences, use blogger. But if you want to make blogging as a career or a business, you can use WordPress. So, I think that’s the final answer (my point of views) to this discussion WordPress Vs. Blogger. Want to add your thoughts and opinions? Share it in the comment box below!

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