WordPress Blog Themes I Found Best Are Not Premium


WordPress blog themes I am using in my blogs are FREE WordPress themes not premium themes. After I migrated my blogger blog to WordPress, I search for useful plugins and mobile-responsive WP themes.

WordPress blog themes should not be expensive or they should be free. I have noticed that many of the bloggers are recommending WordPress premium themes for newbie bloggers. Why should spend on themes if they can get it for FREE?


I am not a fan of FREE stuffs. But, when it comes to getting my goal especially on, free WordPress themes are just fine for me. Why? It is because, I can now modify any WordPress themes depending on my desired design.

WordPress Blog Themes for Beginners

Maybe you asked, which WordPress themes should I used? Free themes or premium themes? Ask yourself, are you willing to invest in premium WordPress themes for about $50 or more? Or will you use $50 for another important things like hiring a article writer or some sort of advertisement.

Which WordPress blog themes are good for newbie blogger? A good WordPress theme should be related to your topic or blog niche. If your topic is photography, then choose a photography WordPress themes. Same as if your subject matter is about “personal finance” and “insurance”, choose themes related to financial industry.

A beginner should only use a simple WordPress theme. Since they don’t know how to modify and redesign the theme, they should choose a premium theme because modifying and redesigning is not required in premium themes. Why should you pay for a wordpress blog theme if it is not giving you satisfaction. You are modifying a theme because you don’t like it, right? Therefore, spending money for a theme you don’t want is not a good idea.

Also, when you choose a WordPress theme for your blog or website, be sure you read reviews and see other blogs using the themes you want to use in your own blog. If you choose theme that needs more modifications just to make it SEO friendly and suit your desired design, you will only encounter more problem. And the worst, it will only a burden to you and your users. So, change the theme if it is not helpful to your blogging or ecommerce business.

Courtesy: WordPress.Org and QuickOnlineThemes

WordPress Blog Themes I am Using in this Blog

The WordPress themes installed in this blog is the QuickPress theme. It was modified by me and I finally created a simple WordPress blog using this theme. To know what theme that other blogs are using, just visit your favorite blog, right click your mouse and open “view page source”.

Once you opened the source, find the CSS. To find the CSS, just press CTRL+F and then type CSS. Open the CSS style and at the upper part of the CSS, you will easily find the themes a blog is using. The reasons why I love this WordPress blog themes from QuickPress theme is that it is SEO friendly, it loads fast and simple. What about you? Which WordPress blog theme you are using? Are you satisfied with the theme of your blog? Share your favorite WP blog themes in the comment box if you are proud of it.

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