Why Some Employees are Not Happy?


Here are the common reasons why employees are not happy. In my previous article I talked the reasons why employees didn’t get rich, read that article for today our topic is the continuation of that article, the reasons why employees are not happy some times. In order for an employer makes his employees to become happy, the employer should make sure that the law of rewarding is always given. Aside from law of rewarding, you must give lot of benefits why your employees should continue working for you aside from salary, friendship, great bonding, nice work atmosphere and most of all financial security.

Common Reasons Why Some Employees are Not Happy

An employee will only be happy if he has a great working environment, lot of friends, kind and understanding bosses, organized working area, not stressful  task or duties, and aside from the given matters, he should fee welcome to the institution and feel comfortable with his co-workers.


Salary and His Financial Dream

An employee is not happy when he is motivated by money when working. He will always think if he has a nice salary for his family or for his goal to achieve financial future, if he can easily promoted, or if the job he chose is a high paying and rewarding jobs. An employee wouldn’t be happy if he is not receiving his salary in the right time and and in the right amount. He will always ask for a raise.

Limited Time for Family

An employee will work 8 or more hours a day, some employees will leave his family early in the morning and go back home late in the evening, it is simply means his life is spending 80% in making money for his family, that’s not a good idea. Why not take 20% of your time for making a lot of money and 80% of your time for your family. That’s one of my goal ad I will achieve it sooner, even businessmen has limited time for his family, they are focusing on “making money”, why not make your money work for you.

Aim for Wealth and Happiness

If this also what you want, then try to plan to start your own business and learn how to make your money work for you by making it grow over time through saving and investing. Kindly read my next article about the right kind of job that will help you grow financially.

If you are an unhappy employee, just enjoy your job and from now on start thinking about starting your own business, you can only do that if you have a capital or even just a small capital so that you can build your own business, make a lot of money and become happy and get rich, not unlimited income, and have a quality time for your loved ones.

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