What Makes You Happy – (3 Steps to Find Out)


Want to know how to find out what makes you happy? There are certain steps to follow to figure out what makes you really happy in life. Happiness isn’t about everything being perfect, it’s about you and the world around you. When I was young, most people tell me I have a smiling face. I am well known to be a “jolly” kid. What makes me happy during that time are my toys and the things I want to do.

When I am doing the things I want to do when I am young, I suddenly became happy. The things that makes me happy is when I am making joke with my mother, playing the piano, playing basketball and eating my favorite food. Also, I became suddenly happy when my mom gave me allowance more than what I am expected.


How to Find Out What Makes You Happy?

Today, let me share my experience on how to figure out what makes me happy. Here’s the step by step procedure to know what are the things that makes you really feel good.

Step 1. Observe Material Things. There are lot of things that can make anyone become feel good. Such materials are money, love letter, a gift or a food.

Step 2. Analyze yourself which most matters to you. Materials or non-material? The old quotes which for me is the “best happy quotes” saying “money can’t buy happiness but it can buy BMW which is almost the same thing”.

I always read something those lines related to “happiness quotes and money”. If you are excited and overwhelmed when you received things, that’s the moment you know what makes you happy.

If someone gave you a gift, will you appreciate it if it’s a “cash” or if it’s a “stuff”? If you appreciate “cash” than “stuff”, that means, money is what makes you happy.

Step 3. Observe the people around you. There are many happy people and contented people around the world. What I observe most is that the things that makes them happy aren’t usually things. The people around them are the reasons why they are happy.

Image Credit: Swamibu Hon Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr — Happiness

Like when I was young, I was so happy when I talk to my mom jokingly. I laugh out loud and she laugh out loud , too. Those jokes are not the reasons why I am happy. I am happy because of the moment I have shared with my mother.

How to Find Happiness in Life?

Know What You Want

Follow this simple tips on how to find happiness in life. First, know what you want and get what you want whatever it takes. Normal human will show his/her emotion (happiness) after he/she get the rewards of her hard work.

Know Why You’re Existing

It will make you more happy if you know the reasons why you are still existing. What’s your mission in this world? What are the things that makes you happy and at the same time will make other people happy? Know your purpose in life and you will become happy in life is automatically.

Happiness don’t come to those who wait. Happiness comes to those who claim it. Claim happiness now. Maybe you asked, what to do when you’re not happy with your life? Simple. Forget the past especially if you experience broken relationship. If you’re heart broken, you can become happy if you will just move on. The best things when you’re not happy with your life is by making some major changes. Change your life. Turn your life around.

  • Go to the places you really love to visit (Paris, New York, Africa, etc)
  • Get rich and buy all the things that makes you happy such as luxury cars, mansion, jewelries (gold, diamonds, silver, stocks), leather bags, etc.
  • Love as if you didn’t get hurt before.

Remember, happiness isn’t about everything being perfect. It’s how can you make every moment in your life “perfect”. The perfect moment to achieve happiness in your life is to share your life with the one you really love. Don’t waste your life to someone who don’t love or care for you. Now you know how to find out what makes you happy. Go somewhere else and live the life you truly deserve!

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