United Parcel Service Stock Price History, Services, Company Profile

Today, want to know about United Parcel Service stock price history for January to June 2015? What about UPS or the United Parcel Service? UPS was founded at Seattle Washington on 1907 by James E. Casey. UPS is the leading courier worldwide. UPS services are courier express, freight forwarding and logistics. On 2014, according to Wikipedia, UPS has a total revenue of US$58.232 Billion. UPS has a big contribution in providing jobs worldwide, as of 2012, the company has 397,100 employees.
I decided to write about basic company profile of United Parcel Service because one of my readers in New York, USA send an inquiries via our email address (go to our contact page) asking if UPS is a good stock to buy and what are the services offered by UPS.
Our response: It is wise to buy only the company stock that you are comfortable and familiar with. I may say UPS is a good stock to buy or not. Try to study UPS stock performance, the stock code is UPS in NYSE.

United Parcel Service Shipping Trucks

UPS Truck by Zyphbear CC 2.0

And today, we are going to know the customer service hotline of UPS and at the same time, the company’s subsidiaries, and other basic company profile of United Parcel Service.

UPS Customer Service
If you have complaints, suggestions or inquiries, you may call at +1 800 742 5877


UPS Stock Code
If you want to buy UPS stock shares, the code is UPS and as of June 2, 2015 the UPS stock price is $99.43 per share.

David P. Abney is the Chief Executive Officer of United Parcel Service as of 2015

UPS Official Website and Social Media Sites

You can visit as the official website of United Parcel Service to track your delivery, to calculate time and cost of delivery and to find UPS location worldwide. (USA, Canada, Europe, Asia). UPS has a Facebook business page, Twitter account, LinkedIn profile and YouTube channel.

In the official website you can easily find out how to change and reschedule or reroute the delivery of your package, how to track your packages and freight and how to manage your billings and payments. There are specific instructions on what you should do if your package does not appear to be moving or delivered and what to do if your packages are damaged.

Note: Those topics will soon discuss in this website. We will further do some sort of research on those specific topics.

United Parcel Service Stock Price History

Date Open High Low Close
January 2, 2015 111.27 114.40 98.29 98.84
February 2, 2015 99.00 102.82 98.34 101.73
March 2, 2015 101.73 102.37 96.32 96.94
April 1, 2015 96.49 101.98 94.88 100.53
May 1, 2015 100.95 102.84 98.58 99.22
June 1, 2015 99.77 101.68 98.57 99.35

To know the current United Parcel Service Stock Price History, go to Yahoo Finance, search for UPS stock code, and look for historical stock price. You can also find the UPS Stock Price History in Wall Street Journal official website.

UPS Subsidiaries

UPS has many subsidiaries including UPS Store, UPS Supply Chain Solutions, UPS Airlines, UPS Capital and UPS Express Critical. Other subsidiaries of United Parcel Service includes UPS Freight, UPS Logistics, UPS Mail Innovations, UPS Professional Solutions and UPS i-parcel.

Source and Citations: UPS.Com, Yahoo Finance, Wikipedia

Disclaimer: Any registered business names, trademarks, logos or slogan mentioned in this website are owned by their respective companies. The content is for informational purpose only. If you want to add another information or data related to UPS United Parcel Service, just use the comment box.

Do you have any questions related to UPS? What can you say about United Parcel Service stock price history? What have you noticed about UPS stock prices for the month of January too June? What is your experience in using UPS services? Please share your thoughts and opinions using the comment box below. Thank you for spending your time in this page.

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