UPS United Parcel Service International Headquarters


Looking for UPS United Parcel Service International Headquarters? Awhile ago, we talked about UPS United Parcel Service customer service, stocks, subsidiaries, services offered and UPS basic company profile. UPS corporate and regional headquarters that can are located in Asia Pacific, Europe and Americas and the Carribean.

To know the contact numbers of UPS worldwide (in a specific country) just go to and go to Contact Customer Service. Once you are already on that page, browse all International Contacts wherein you will find easily the UPS offices worldwide. You have to options, to browse UPS international Customer Service Contacts and UPS Corporate or Regional Headquarters.


UPS United Parcel Service International Headquarters

The UPS worldwide corporate headquarters is located in #55 Glenlake Parkway NE Atlanta, GA 30328 United States with a telephone number 1-800-PICK-UPS

The regional official of United Parcel Service in Asia Pacific is located in 22 Chang South Avenue 2 UPS House, Singapore, 486064 Asia. UPS Headquarters in Europe is located in Avenue Ariane 5, 1200 Brussels, Belgium, Europe

While the UPS headquarters in Americas and the Carribean is located at 3401 NW 67th Avenue, Bldg. 805 Miami, Florida, United States of America

To know more about UPS United Parcel Service International Headquarters, please visit their official website at Let me know what’s on your mind about United Parcel Service or UPS, please leave a comment now. Thank you.

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