How to Unfollow Facebook Friends, Groups & Pages


Unfollowing Facebook friends, groups and pages is a good idea especially if other people are just posting negative vibes. If you have a friends who is always posting stuff that can easily turn your feelings from good to bad, unfollowing them is a better idea.

You don’t even know you’re receiving notifications to the Facebook groups you have been joined lately. Sometimes Facebook groups are annoying especially if the group has many members and they post every seconds. The solution for not getting annoyed to FB group notifications and posts is unfollowing options.


There are FB pages of celebrity, authors, an organizations or any pages you liked that are also annoying. We want to have a good facebook user experience. But, whenever we logged on to our account, annoying and distracting notifications are disappointing.

This tutorial has 3 sections. The first part is to unfollow friends, then unfollow groups and lastly the way on how to unfollow Facebook pages that you liked.

Part 1. Unfollow Facebook Friends

All you need to do is to read a Facebook newsfeed and find a post from your friends. And then, at the right corner of the newsfeed simply click the dropdown arrow and click “Unfollow + Name of Friend”.

Other option to unfollow friends is to go to your list of friends and unfollow them one by one. Sell all your friends. Point your mouse to your friend’s name. You can see the basic profile of your friends when box pop up. From that box, you have the option to unfollow your friend. See the screenshot for clarification of this guide.

Part 2. Unfollow Facebook Groups

Facebook groups post are also showing when you logged on. They can be seen in Facebook newsfeed. And the annoying thing is they are also giving you notifications when someone posted on group’s wall.

This guide will help you know how to not receive notifications and get rid of posts from Facebook groups you are a member of.

2.1 In Facebook homepage left side bar, click the “Groups” and you will see the list of groups that you’re a member of. Other options to know the list of Facebook groups is by going to your FB account profile and visit the “groups”.

You can see the edit setting options of the Facebook groups in the home page. Just click the gear icon right after the name of the group. Then click “edit settings”.

2.2 Stop seeing posts from specific Facebook groups. You can do this by going to newsfeed and find groups that has new posts. Then point your mouse in the drop down menu and you can see the list of options for that group.

You can hide a posts or hide all posts in that groups posted by a specific member. You can also save post. But this time, you need to Unfollow the name of the group. You won’t see members posts of that group in News Feed.

Part 3. Unfollow Facebook Pages You Liked

Sometimes we’re invited by our friends to like many Facebook pages even though we don’t really want to like those pages. We want them to be please for the sake of friendship. we think that it’s just only a FB page like. Why not! But the problem is when we liked FB pages, we are getting notifications and we’ll see the latest post in the News Feed. The solution is to unfollow Facebook pages instead of “unlike”.

Choose whether you want to get notified whenever the page post a photo, videos, links, status updates, events and live videos.

Go to the list of “Like Pages” and choose which pages you wanted to stop receiving notifications and don’t want to show in the news feed. Again, click the drop down menu and click “Notifications” to edit which posts do you want to show and click “Post in News Feeds” if you want to unfollow everything about the page.

Tips and Warnings

  • Do not let your friends know you’re unfollowing them, they will get mad at you. Unfollow those friends who are just posting anything especially posting negative vibes like attacking or degrading other people.
  • You can unfollow Facebook groups but when you want to see the latest updates of a specific group, you just need to visit the group’s wall or timeline.
  • Liking a lots of Facebook pages is not recommended. Like only those pages that will benefit you. If you liked many pages because you saw these pages as sponsored ads or your friends invited you to liked the pages, unfollow them to simply not get annoying notifications.

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