Most Popular Twitter Accounts from United Kingdom

Looking for the most popular Twitter accounts from United Kingdom? Few months ago, a reader of Return On Investment blog from UK (United Kingdom) is asking me about the most popular Twitter account in the country. The message stated like this;

“I want to get more Twitter Followers from UK, can you suggest some tips and who are or what are the most famous Twitter accounts to follow to get more followers?”

Note: The sender don’t want to mention his name in this page, so let me just keep it confidential.

How to Get More Twitter Followers from UK?

Answer: If you want to get more twitter followers in a specific region or country, follow this tips and tricks. This will work if you are currently living in your chosen target country. (I am sure this man is really living in UK) I assumed he is really a British. So, here’s what you should do. First, update your profile. Make sure you have your real photo in your profile picture.

Second, you have to post a tweet everyday at least once or twice a day. You have to stay focus in posting tweets about United Kingdom. The lists of suggested topics to tweets are as follows;

  • I am a Proud British
  • God Bless the Queen
  • God Bless Great Britian
  • I am so Luck I Live in UK
  • Forget (put the place here) and Remember London

Those lines are just an example. When someone search about Great Britain, London, UK, United Kingdom, Queen, British, there is a great possibility that your profile name will be on top of Twitter search results page. Of course, the searcher will then follow you since you and the searcher has the same interest; “United Kingdom”.

Next, after you have done the first and second step. Look for high profile twitter accounts based in United Kingdom. Do not worry, it is easy to search and follow the most popular twitter accounts from UK. All you need to do is to follow them and start retweeting their tweets.

Most Popular Twitter Accounts from United Kingdom

Follow UK Prime Minister on Twitter

UK Prime Minister :
The Prime Minister has 2.6 Million Followers. Follow him and get more followers. Not only that, He is worth following. See also Most Influential People in UK and most famous British.

The latest tweets from the Prime Minster: “RT @DWPgovuk unemployment in #Scotland at record low, with 20,000 fewer unemployed people than this time last year #GetBritainWorking”

Other Famous Twitter Accounts from UK

  • Famous Celebrity in UK
  • Diplomats/Ambassadors
  • Government Agencies
  • Popular Magazines and Newspapers
  • TV Host
  • Journalist, Authors, Reporters
  • Sports Team (example, football team)

I hope you find this article useful. Start following the UK based Twitter accounts that has more than 1 million followers and start getting more twitter followers too. If you have another questions or queries, kindly write it in the comment box. Warning, do not follow more than 2,000 twitter accounts in one day. Just be ethical, socially responsible and practice good internet ethics. Thank you.

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