How to Increase Twitter Followers and Facebook Likes?


I want to increase Twitter followers! Oh, Twitter follower grows but Facebook page like are not moving! Total Investment twitter followers are growing. As of today, February 5, 2015, has more than 2,000 followers on twitter. This is a small but great achievement. My goal in this blog Twitter account is to have at least 1,000,000 (one million) followers. I know it takes time, but it’s worth the wait. Maybe you asked, how I did it? Or you might be curious on how to get more followers on Twitter. So, keep on reading to learn more.

How to Increase Twitter Followers?

Simple, I only post twice a day. I post useful tweets on Twitter. Everytime I published an article in I simply shared it on its own Twitter Account. If you are curious what this blog Twitter Account, just simply add


Second, I followed back whenever other people are following me. Third, I retweet useful post and popular post. I shared my follower’s useful tweets. And lastly, I make a conversation to the community.

Update: Use hash tag when posting on Twitter, a simple #RT or #Retweet means a lot. Your followers might shared or retweet your post.

What Happened to My Facebook Page

I am not active in promoting my Facebook Page, awhile ago I put a pop up facebook like page in this blog. But, it’s not ideal. It’s very annoying, so I decided to remove the like box (pop up).

I focus on increasing my blog visits via search engines. Anyway, if those visitors came from search engines will read my blog post, then, they have the options to share the content using the social shares widgets. So far, I am satisfied with plugin services. If you have time, go to facebook and search “investmenttotal”, like my page and start sharing its page status.

Thank you! What about you? How do you increase Twitter Followers or Facebook Page likes? Do you prefer Twitter or Facebook?  I choose both but it’s not easy to focus on two. If you liked this post, kindly share it to your friends on Twitter or Facebook!

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