Trump Vs Sanders on US Presidential Elections 2016


The Trump Vs Sanders on US Presidential Elections 2016 is now trending on the internet! Curious about this battle? It’s not actually a battle. I am just curious why “Trump” is the most searched Presidential Candidate? And why only few states are searching for “Sanders”.

Some information about US Presidential Elections date and the important things to resolve about US Policy Issues.


What people are searching for about Trump and Sanders? The top questions are as follows;

  1. How old is Bernie Sanders?
  2. Who is Bernie Sanders?
  3. Is Bernie Sanders Jewish?
  4. Is Bernie Sanders a Socialist?
  5. Is Bernie Sanders married?

Top questions people are searching for about “Trump” are as follows;

  1. How old is Donald Trump?
  2. How tall is Donald Trump?
  3. What is Donald Trump’s net worth?
  4. Is Donald Trump married?
  5. Who is Donald Trump?

Here’s the screenshot I found on Google Trends. I pointed my house to a specific states (blue) who searched for Sanders and (red) US states searching for Donald Trump. Source

Most Americans are Searching for Trump

What does this mean? Does this mean many Americans will vote Trump? When I pointed my mouse to Washington, New York, California, Virginia, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio, North Carolina, Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Maine and other US states aside from Vermont, Donald Trump is the most searched Presidential Candidate.

When Bernie Sanders announced his candidacy, he said…

“I think people should be a little bit careful underestimating me.”

When Donald Trump announced his candidacy, he said…

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States.”

What about you? When you search for US Presidential Candidates, will you search Trump first before Sanders? Tell me your reactions on this topic using the comment box below! Do not forget to share this with your friends. Let me know who do you think will deserve your vote? Thank you!

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