Increase Blog Traffic from USA, the Top US States Who Visited my Blog


Blog traffic is very important! If your aren’t not receiving huge blog traffic, read the 9 tips on how I increase my blog visitors each and everyday! Here’s how I increase blog traffic from 2013 to 2015 and most of my visitors came from USA. Here are the top 10 US states who visited my blog. The blog traffic visitors from these states are investors looking for investing strategies and assets allocation. Awhile ago I posted some tips on how investments should be distributed according to investors age. I am quiet happy because this is a great achievement of, this is just also a proof that Americans are investors savvy.

This blog was created for everyone. However, this blog maybe can give a lot of benefits from the visitors especially if the visitors are looking for investment opportunities. Most read topic in this blog is the “how to compute your target earning asset” and how to turn your 2,500 into millions of dollars.


This blog didn’t receive traffic hits from other US states such as Washington, Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Louisiana, Kentucky and other US states. There are 50 capital states but my blog only gets traffic from 10 states, this simply means I have to make extra effort to increase my blog traffic from search engines. If you have any ideas on how to generate traffic for my website, kindly share it in the comment box. I hope this blog will make 1,000,000 page views per day.

9 Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

Here’s the take home tips you can get today on how to increase blog traffic. My personal experience and strategies I used to boost my blog traffic on this WordPress blog.

  1. Produce quality content.
  2. Produce MORE quality content.
  3. DO NOT STOP producing quality content.
  4. Do not stop writing for search engines, but start writing for humans, too.
  5. Know what to write about. Conduct a research!
  6. Know your audience. My audience are investors from North America.
  7. Be unique, be who you are and be what you want to become as a blogger (idiot or professional)
  8. Make use of social medias like Pinterest, Facebook, Google + Twitter & LinkedIn
  9. Use WordPress of course!

Going back to the topic, here’s the top 10 US States who visited my blog according to Google Analytics;

1. California – I have visitors from Loas Angeles, Malibu, Campbell, Davis, Laguna Niguel, Oakland, Pasadena, Santa Clara and Tustin California

2. New York – visitors from New York, Albany, New Rochelle, White Plains New York
3.Florida – website visitors from Boca Raton, Jacksonville, Sebring, Bay Lake and Shady Hills Florida
4.Texas – blog visitors from Austin Texas, Plano, San Angelo, San Antonio Texas

5.Illinois – website visitors from Chicago Illinois
6.New Jersey – visitors from Moorsetown, Newark and Evesham Township New Jersey
7.Maryland – Baltimore and North Bethesda

8.Missouri – Kansas and Liberty Missouri, USA
9. Michigan – a visitors from Sterling Heigts
10. Ohio – from Holland Ohio, USA

USA Visitors are Reading my Articles

They stay in my website for an average of 2 minutes and 21 second. This simply means the visitors from USA is reading my articles word for word. According to webmaster tool, the visitors of these websites are searching for make money online, how to get rich, how to invest and how to become a millionaire and a lot more words and phrases why they arrived on my blog. I am happy because I can write these topics concisely and not so perfect.

My plan is to keep on writing articles, I will never care about SEO – search engine optimization. FYI: This blog has no page rank but the visitors is increasing. How, maybe because I created useful and informative articles. I hope this blog will increase its traffic, a traffic in my favorite country USA. I once dream to live in New York City.One of the most beautiful cities in the world. Thank you for reading my simple achievement. Let me know your ways on how do you boost your blog traffic and where are your visitors came from. Use the comment box below.

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