Subscribe to Facebook Twitter Youtube & Google Plus


Subscribe to my page on Facebook Twitter Youtube now! Want to subscribe in Google+, in ROI blog official Facebook page, in my blog YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter or want to know my professional profile in LinkedIn page? I just set up all my favorite social media accounts today, I think these profiles are the official. I am focusing only to these 5 social media sites.

I want to become successful in my blogging career. I am willing to learn and continue to grow as a professional blogger. I remember when I started using blogger platform, it was an awesome blog, a simple, fast loading and getting more traffic from search engines. Does it mean blogger is better than WordPress blog? In my opinion, whatever blogging platform you’re using now, it doesn’t make sense if you will only publish a non-sense post. That’s my experience, I generate traffic not on Google+, not on YouTube channel (firstly because I have few subscribers), I don’t even became active in promoting my blog in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


Facebook Twitter Youtube Official Social Pages

Subscribe in Google+

Why Google +? I love Google+, period. I customized the my G+ profile and create an official page. I have only 2 followers on that page. But, on my profile, I have few hundreds of followers. But, I still want to use Google+ page.

  • Visit and follow’s Google Plus Official Page now!

Investment Total YouTube Channel

Second, I want to make use of my YouTube channel. I have few videos about the birds I saw and the video of my daughter when she was young. I am planning to create tutorials videos and make my YouTube channel as a source not just generating traffic to my blog but to create useful and informative videos to YouTube community.

  • Subscribe to Investment Total YouTube Channel here and watch our latest video.

Tweet and Retweet our Blog Post

You can follow us on Twitter, Twitter is one of the most famous social media sites and one of the most visited websites in the world. In our Twitter account, we only have 1, 500 followers. Add yourself to our followers to get the latest post in via Twitter.

  • Follow Investment Total Official Twitter Account

LinkedIn Professional Page

Investment Total LinkedIn page was previously named as GDC Cashflow, wherein that’s only for personal use. I changed my LinkedIn profile aligned to the name of my WordPress blog. I am not active in LinkedIn, but I have few connections from it. Some are employers, some are members who are looking for a job. If I am not mistaken, I already wrote some blog post on LinkedIn.

  • View and Add Investment Total LinkedIn Profile to Your List of Friends Now!

Facebook Page (not the official).

I’ve been using Facebook since 2011. Most of my accounts have been blocked. Maybe I post unethically. Sometimes I post my articles in different Facebook groups, the reason why I joined groups is to post and let the members know about latest post.

I am saying this is not the official Facebook page because, I don’t have any guarantee until when will my account become active, or will it be blocked again by FB admin. I dunno.

  • You can visit unofficial Facebook page at 

So, whether you’re a new visitor of this blog or a loyal reader, do not forget to subscribe via email , so that you will never miss any of the latest post in directly to your inbox! I think those 6 stuffs (Google+, YouTube Channel, Twitter account, unofficial Facebook page, professional LinkedIn profile and email subscription) will be an instrument to serve my readers and visitors. Have a nice day!

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