SSS Maternity Benefits, Qualifying Conditions & Amount of Benefits


Looking for SSS Maternity Benefits information? Here is the summary of benefits for the SSS members who are unable to work due to childbirth or miscarriage. As a mother, you have the right to know your SSS benefits especially when you are unable to work.

In this page, let us find out the maternity benefits to be given by SSS (Social Security System) to a female member giving a childbirth or encountering miscarriage and let us know the amount of benefits they can get.


Do not miss the opportunity to get your SSS maternity benefits especially if you know you’re really qualified. But how do you know if the SSS Member is qualified for the SSS Maternity benefits?

SSS Maternity Benefits Qualifying Conditions

  • The SSS member has paid at least three (3) months of contributions within the 12-month period immediately before the semester of her childbirth or miscarriage;
  • If employed, she must has given notification of her pregnancy through her employer; or
  • She must directly notify the SSS if she is separated from employment, a self-employed or voluntary member, including OFW-member.
Image Credit: SSS Social Security System

SSS Maternity Amount of Benefits

  • The amount of the daily Maternity Benefit allowance is equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of her ADSC, multiplied by 60 days in case of normal delivery/miscarriage/ectopic pregnancy without operation/hydatidiform mole (H-mole), or by 78 days for caesarean section delivery/ectopic pregnancy with operation.
  • The Maternity Benefit is granted up to the first four (4) deliveries or miscarriages only.

Source: SSS

Tips: Do ensure that all your SSS personal date records are always updated. For faster and hassle-free processing of your benefit claims and loan applications, please ensure that your personal data in the SSS membership records are complete, correct, and up-to-date, particularly:

  • Name (First, Middle, Last)
  • Date of Birth
  • Membership Classification and Membership Status
  • Sex and Civil Status
  • Beneficiaries (Spouse, Children, etc.)
  • Contact Information (Address, Mobile
  • Number, E-mail Address)
  • Bank Information

See Other SSS Summary of Benefits:

  • SSS Sickness Benefits (Everything You Wanted to Know)

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