I Need SEO Advice from Google Experts


I need SEO advice from Google Experts, a real SEO expert! I need to know how to properly optimize every article I published.  There are over three hundred or more blog post in this blog I need your guidance, your tips and the best advice to boost my organic traffic.

Here’s my problem (kindly solve it). First, when someone search for a keyword “investment total” my blog rank number one on SERPs, and rank number four when someone used the keyword “total investment”. Since my domain name is related to the keyword, that’s why I am ranking higher in SERPs.


When I search for a certain keyword to my post, example my blog post is “how to start investing in stocks”.  The blog post didn’t even get into top 10 on SERPs. What should I do to rank every article I published?

What I Want to Know in SEO

  • Here are the things what I really want to know. Please give your suggestion, recommendations using the comment box.
    Should I always research a keyword and write an article for it?
  • Should I always use the anchor text when linking to other blogs using my keyword? (I only use the primary keyword in this blog which is “investment total”? But, when creating back links for my published articles, what is the best way to optimized it?
  • When and where to get back links? I read an article and forums that “do follow” links is a must, the question is where to get those kinds of do follow back links?
  • How many times per day should I get back links? 10 times, 100 times or more?
  • This blog was only hosted in blogger, my mistake is I didn’t use wordpress. But planning to migrate this blog to wordpress soon. Is there any difference in SEO if I will use wordpress not blogger?

Badly Need SEO Advice from Google Experts

There are many suggestions and recommendations online on how to rank well in Google and other major search engines, but may I know which one of them tells the truth? Some say you don’t need a high page rank just write high quality article but other SEO experts say you need to have a high page rank so that all your articles will rank well in SERPs.

I am confused, I want the best SEO advice from Google experts today. If you are one of those experts, just leave a comment.

I am not a genius in SEO, my weakness in blogging is SEO and grammar since I am not a native English speaker. But I can write as many articles as I want. If you are an SEO experts, please write your opinion below. If you have affordable SEO Services, I can hire you for that when launching new blogs and websites. I really appreciate your comments and suggestion. Thank you!

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