SEO Consultants and Experts Aggresively Promote Services via Email


SEO consultants and experts are trying to contact me via email. They got my email in my “contact us page” in my 2 blogs RetirementPlanningIQ and (this blog). I have no idea why they send email message about their SEO services. Should I believe them or ignore them? I know the fact that my blogs aren’t getting more traffic and they have only low google ranks and alexa ranking. I don’t care. I still have many articles that rank #1 in google. I don’t know how I ranked my article in Google, but one thing for sure, these articles are written for human and not for search engines. The search engine optimization consultants and some SEO expert are offering quality SEO services via email. If I will look for SEO consultant, I will search it on Google. Why? It is because if they are realy SEO expert, they can rank their own “business” or “services”.

They walk their talk. They should provide a powerful evidence that they are really SEO expert. The proof they can show to interested clients are their “previous works”. Say for example, my proof that I rank my articles on Google are as follows;

  • Try to search “how to prosper” in Google and you will see my blog ranked as number one. No backlinks nor even consulting with the SEO experts.
  • Search How to multiply my money and this website is competing with the giant website “”.

Quality SEO Services from SEO Consultants via Email

Here are the examples of email messages I received from SEO consultants. Try to analyze these message and leave a comment and reactions afterwards;

I received this message from Martinez Perez @ on July 3, 2016 at exactly 12:08 am.

Hi Team,

Hope you are doing fine.

Digital Marketing has become an integral part in promoting brand visibility among the potential customers .I was going through your website and found some of the major areas which need to be taken care of with an immediate effect in order to get maximum website visibility and Traffic.

Please find some of the factors mentioned below which is affecting your website performance:

– W3C Markup validation

– W3C CSS Validation

– URL Canonical Issue

– Indexed Backlinks by Google

There are many other factors apart from above mentioned which need to be sorted out. Everybody wants to increase the traffic flow for their website or drive sales through internet and I am sure you are also looking for maximum visibility and traffic for your website. With well experienced and young talents, we have been successful in providing complete web assistance that yields real time solutions.

We cover all the major factors of promotion under one single plan starting from error fixation, keywords ranking, back-link submission, Social media promotion etc.

This e-mail provides you with a glimpse of some of the services which we offered from our company.

If you require any sort of website assistance or if you have any query about our services then kindly contact us back.

Eagerly waiting for your response.

Best Regards,
Martinez Perez|DM Consultant
PH. No: +1(716)393-5626
Skype: digital.commerce
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1: If you are interested we will send more details on our “company profile”, “Price list”, “money back” etc. in our next mail.
P.S: – Once you reply us back, the next communication will be done from our corporate ID. Or you may reply “UNSUBSCRIBE”.

A Conclusion to this SEO Consultant

There is nothing wrong sending an email about SEO services. Honestly, I have seen no wrong here. Mr. Martinez Perez just want to help I received this email message in my inbox.

Quality SEO Services from SEO Consultants via Email

I received this email message from Adam Gibbs at in my spam folder on July 3, 2016 at 9:38 am. Read this email message offering another SEO thing;
Hello Team,

Hope you are doing great.

This is in follow-up to my previous email.

I was wondering if you feel like you could use a bit more on line promotion to maximize your website’s exposure and create huge traffic. Last time while visiting your website I found some of the technical factor which need to be improved in your website and for this reason your website is lacking behind your competitor and not in top of any search engine.

• Your website page rank is Very Low, this can be improved further..

• Found HTML errors in the home page.

• Your website has limited number of back links. This can be improved after proper off page campaign.

If you want to know more such points about what your site needs, and are curious to know what our working together would involve, then I would be glad to provide you with further detailed analysis.

Let me know your thought and if possible give me the best time to make further discussion.

Adam Gibbs | SEO Consultant
Skype: adamgibbs9


Take a look of the message “Adam Giibs” said that “Your website has limited number of back links. This can be improved after proper off page campaign.”.

They analyzed or they are just guessing? What do you think? SEO consultants are aggressively promoting their services via email. Did you received this kind of email message? Is this unethical or the right way to promote high quality SEO consulting services? Share your reactions below.

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