Richest Man in US, Australia, Canada, UK by Net Worth


The richest man in US is Bill Gates, Microsoft CEO and Founder, other richest man in US is Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.  From time to time, I am visiting Forbes.Com. It is very interesting to know the most wealthiest people in the world. There is a saying goes, what you want to learn is what you will become in the near future. I want to become rich – a multi-millionaire. Just a 1% wealth of Bill Gates is enough for me to live a comfortable life.Anyway, this page will give you an updates about the richest people like the Top 10 Billionaires, the richest per country, the richest person by US State.

Richest Man  in US, Australia, Canada, UK by Net Worth

Title Description
Richest People in the World Know the Top 10 Billionaires and their Net Worth

  • Bill Gates
  • Carlos Slim Helu
  • Warren Buffett
Richest Person in Every US State Who is the richest man in every US State from New York to California. The richest man from Alabama to Wyoming
Richest People in Australia The most high net worth individual Australian.

  • Gina Rinehart
  • Harry Triguboff
  • Frank Lowy
Richest American Families The wealthiest American Families.
Source: Forbes.Com

See Also:

  • 10 Rich People in Canada – know the top 10 Billionaires in Canada such as David Thomson with a Net Worth amounting to $25.5 Billion as of May 11, 2015.
  • 10 Richest People in United Kingdom – the top 3 richest people in UK are “the Hindjua Brothers, David and Simom Reuben, and Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor

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