Review on Yoast Seo Plugin as Useful WordPress Plugin


Looking for review on Yoast SEO plugin? I just want to share my thoughts on Yoast Seo Plugin. I know search engine optimization is very important to you, too. That’s why you’re looking for SEO plugin, right? Well I just installed WordPress few months ago (3 months). I migrated I study different things about search engine optimization, WordPress customization, etc. Many WP bloggers are recommending Yoast SEO Plugin. When I did some inquiry on some of the famous SEO blogs, they responded “you should use Yoast“. I ask my friends who were blogging for many years. I asked them because I am a newbie blogger using WordPress.

Joost de Valk makes blogging simple in WordPress. There are more than 1,000,000 active installs. The plugin is compatible up to 4.3 WordPress version. Always updated, as of this writing, it was updated last 2015-8-6. (1)


Description:Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using Yoast SEO plugin. (4)

I believe I can learn everything online. Through self-study without even attending blogging workshops, blogging seminars or SEO stuffs, I can learn by myself through the help of expert bloggers like Harsh Agarwal of, Neil Gee of and Daniel of

Going back to the topic Yoast SEO plugin review, I can say this plugin is all I really need since I am a newbie blogger using WordPress.

What I Did After I Migrated my Blogger Blog to WordPress?

There are so much things I can do with blog when I migrate my blog to WordPress. I thought when I install WordPress, that would be enough. There’s something more, and that’s customization and optimization.

First, I search the must have WordPress plugins, then I evaluate each plugins I should have. I choose Wordfence, Mashare for my social shares, Yaarp and Zemanta for my related post plugins and Yoast as my SEO plugin for this blog. What about for my other blogs? Hmm, sometimes I think to build another blog, but, that would not be an ideal because I love being focused! How can I manage more blogs if I can’t even manage a single blog? Besides, experts says “less is more”, it really applies in blogging! Believe it!

Interesting: Multi Niche Blog Vs. Focused Niche Blog

Review on Yoast SEO Plugin

First, I don’t want to make this post longer, I will make it 700 words, (but made it 995 words). Yoast is the best. I said it just because I am using it. I experience it. It helps me make to customize the “seo” stuff on my blog.

What I really love in this plugin is I can put description for my tags and categories, and show them in SERPs unqiue and awesome!

When it comes to SEO stuffs, some of my post with “green” signals are on top of SERPs. On the other hand, those with “gray” signals means aren’t optimized (base don Yoast) but they are also on number one spot on Google SERP.

Let’s Examine YOAST WordPress Plugin for SEO. Let’s use some of my post in this blog After this examination, drop your comments below, thanks!

Post A Vs. Post B

  • Post A has  a green signal while post be has a gray signal.

Post A Title: Ghost Month Effect on Stock Market

  • Focused Keyword: ghost effect on stock market
  • Search for “ghost effect on stock market”
  • Results: No. 1 in Google

Post B: How to Prosper in Life 

  • Focused Keyword: None
  • Search for “how to prosper in life”.
  • Results: No. 1 in Google

I prefer to get more traffics via search engines. I am not active in promoting this blog on social medias or any other mediums to get traffic. I think Yoast SEO plugins is the solution when it comes in getting organic traffic.

Related: Best Yoast SEO Plugin Settings (2) – I personally use the setting written in, I would like to remove the word category in my URLs where it says;

  • (not pretty cool)
  • (beautiful)


Yoast SEO Plugin is the best plugin if you want to make search engine optimization easy. Just type a focused keyword (one only), write something about it and rank automatically (3). Through the use of Yoast SEO plugin in WordPress, you can write a unique snippet (make it catchy and relevant). Aside from snippets, you can also make use of breadcrumbs for easy navigation. What else, the sitemap! Yeah, it’s cool!

(3) Do on page and off page to rank automatically. Yoast SEO plugin can help you analyze what’s wrong with your on page optimization and what to do about it, and do your part on off page optimization.

However, don’t rely only to plugins, write useful content. Bots are wise enough to scan which is the most useful content. Therefore, as a blogger, all you need to do is to write a unique content, useful content and SEO plugin that will rock your WordPress like crazy – Yoast SEO plugin can do it!

Maybe you asked what if the plugin is not working, where can I ask for help or tutorials? Easy, Yoast seo plugin is very popular among bloggers, they wrote topics about tutorials, guides and let’s say “trouble shooting”.

When I installed other cache plugins in this website, my sitemap generated from Yoast isn’t working. What I did is I search the solution to the problem, and you know what? When I search solutions for common problems in using Yoast SEO plugin, Joost de Valk has them all! I therefore conclude, if anyone can switch to Pro Version, well, I really believe it’s really worth it.

Resources: Find more information on (1) Yoast Official Website  or immediately install (4) Yoast SEO Plugin now! See awesome set up at (2) 

I am very grateful I installed Yoast SEO plugin since I started blogging with WordPress. A big thanks to Joost de Valk, thank you Sir!

Like what I said awhile ago, you can add your own opinion using the comment box below. What can you say about this review on Yoast SEO Plugin? What about you? Which SEO plugins do you find useful and effective? Have you tried the Pro-Version? Happy blogging!

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