Responsive Blog Design Template for My WordPress Blog


I found the best responsive blog design template for my WordPress blog after I migrated my blog to WordPress. Simple and easy to customize. I just migrated this blog month ago, and now this blog is fully functioning. I will only add more content every day.

From elegant blog design to responsive blog design template for my personal finance blog. Awhile ago, I tested different blogger templates. Since this blog was hosted on blogger, I am looking for a responsive blog design so that when my visitors are using different browsers and operating system, my blog will still look good. The idea is to serve my readers. Well, it is now working well on Android phones, iPad and iPhone. Thanks for the creator of this blogger templates. Fortunately, when I downloaded the HTML file of this blogger template and installed it, there is no credits on footer. I just said, woww! The makers of this blog design is very generous.


The reason why I changed my blog design is to give my readers what they want as fast as I can by making my blog load fast, to satisfy them whenever they are looking for a specific question especially if the queries is related to personal finance and investing.

Professional and Responsive Blog Design Template for My WordPress Blog

I don’t need a professional blog design, although it is a must to gain reputations as a personal finance blogger. However, what’s the use of a professional design if there’s no good content in it. Should you visit a blog with full of unnecessary widgets and get bored because the blog is loading so slow? Of course not, I will still spend my time to visit a blog that load fast and get the information as fast as I want.

SEO Ready Blog Design

This blog is not SEO ready. Search engine optimization is important to generate blog traffic from search engines. My techniques is just I modified it by using proper tags (H1, H2, H3). I have no idea if it is ideal to use H2 tags in my blog sidebar. But, I am so sure using H1 tags in every post title is recommended. As you have noticed there is a related post (according to the post categories).

Even though this blog is not in a wordpress, it can generate lot of traffics from search engines. Why? It is because I wrote unique content, informative and useful articles related to investing.

Do not change your blog templates unless you are willing reinstall important plugins or important java script like analytics and webmaster tool verification. I do hope, my readers are still satisfied to my blog design because the design has a major changes – from elegant professional look to simple and responsive.

What about you? Is your blog using responsive blog design template? Are you willing to do some changes to meet your blog goal? Share it in the comment box. I hope you liked this simple post. Happy blogging and keep spreading useful information online.

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