Quotes About Life to Keep Yourself Inspired & Well Motivated


These quotes about life are interesting and worth reading. I am always reading quotes about life and I am willing to share to you the most famous life quotes and sayings today. In this blog, since this is not just about money, I want to share some inspiring, motivational and encouraging quotes.

Quotes are very important. These are came from the successful or famous people. Quotes can be use as a guiding principle on how to live our lives. Quotes can only be useful if we are following what is talks about. Like for example, you can become happy in life if you will just follow what it says about this example of quote from Audrey Hepburn wherein the author said;


Quotes about life #1: If you want to experience happiness in life…

The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.

Do you agree with this life quotes? I strongly agree with what Audrey Hepburn stated. For me, you will know your life if it is worth living if there is happiness in it. Happiness is one my ultimate goal in life. But how can we become happy? Through helping other people. By buying all the things what we want, by going to the places that we want. By eating the food we want. By filling our senses.

We can only make it if we have a lot of money. That’s to become “happy and rich” should be our goal. You can’t experience real happiness if you don’t have money to used for to enjoy the things in this world.

Image Credit: BK on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr

Quotes about life #2: If you want to make life simple…

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Confucius said it. it is true, life is really simple. How to make life simple? The answer to that questionis simple, don’t make it complicated. Live simply!

Quotes about life #3: Choose the life you really deserve.

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

Sholom Aleichem is a wise man. I liked what the author said about life. If you are wise, live the life you want no matter want. In life, there are ups and downs, there are people who are living in poverty and prosperity, there are people who lives in both happiness and sadness.

The last quote about life is a reminder on how we should choose life. There are only two options to choose in life, it’s either you want to become poor or rich, right or wrong, want to become wise or fool, it’s all really up to you. I hope you liked these list of quotes about life. These are my favorites. Next, time I will share a lot of quotes about life, so, subscribe to this blog and get the latest updates. Do not forget to share this with your friends.

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