OMG! Bank of America $10,700,000.00 Compensation Payment (Scam Alert)


If you will receive $10,700,000.00 Compensation Payment it was deposited in your name by the foreign debts settlement/compensation committee of the Executive Directors Of World Bank Group in conjunction with the European Union Board Of Directors, what would you do?

Here’s another scam alert of Daily Investing Tips ( We received this email message about $10,700,000.00 Compensation Payment with a subject “From the Desk of Bank of America” from Mr.Donald Kelly in his email address “”.


I thought we will not receive another email phishing. This email message was delivered to my spam box on May 26, 2017 @ 5: 34 PM (Friday). Read the message and analyze the motive of the sender. Oh I wish this email message is true. Having ten million seven hundred thousand US dollars is awesome. I can invest a lot of money. But of course, we know that this is only a trick to grab the attention of the receiver to send money to the sender of this message. I encountered a lot of emails like this in our Scam and Fraud posts.

I know you already saw Microsoft LOttery Winnings, Microsoft Sweepstakes, and Netherland Lottery Award Notifications

OMG! Bank of America $10,700,000.00 Compensation Payment (Scam Alert)

From The Desk Of Bank of America,
1890 Epps Bridge Pkwy, Athens, GA 30606
United States.
Unclaimed Asset/Assets Re-united,
USA International Remittance

Attn: Beneficiary,

This is to inform you that a compensation payment in the amount of US$10,700,000.00, (Ten Million Seven
Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) was legally approved and deposited few days ago with our Bank,Bank of America, Branch Office here in 1890 Epps Bridge Pkwy, Athens, GA 30606 U.S, and it was deposited in your name by the foreign debts settlement/compensation committee of the Executive Directors Of World Bank Group in conjunction with the European Union Board Of Directors, and they instructed us to credit this fund direct to your private bank account with immediate effect, Meanwhile, the good news about your fund now is that your compensation payment file with some of the legal documents backing this fund has been forwarded to the US Department of State and the United Nations for final approval, And we shall proceed with the transfer immediately we hear from you because we were mandated to transfer this fund to you as one of the beneficiary whose the name is listed in the World Bank foreign debts settlement/compensation payment file.

However, Please note that Bank of America have decided and agreed together to send this payment to you by either bank wire transfer or by online bank transfer services depending the option you would prefer to receive this fund for security purpose, so you are therefore advised to quickly get back to the management of this bank and let us know the option you choose to have your fund credited into your account to enable us proceed with the claim process of your fund.

We wait your immediate response with your information below to enable this bank proceeds immediately with the transfer of your fund as we were directed.

Full Name………………..
Home Address……………..
Valid Phone number…………
Any Of Your Identity Card……..

Kindly get back to us by reconfirming
your full information.

Thank you, God Bless America.

Mr. Donald Kelly
Director Of Foreign Remittance
Bank of America

Bank of America $10,700,000.00 Compensation Payment (Scam Alert)

Tips to Not Get Scam

  • Report this scam alert to Bank of America (oh I wish they will say post).
  • Do not respond to the sender.
  • Block the email address of the sender who’s named is Mr. Donald Kelly (not real name of the sender) and email address
  • Stay tuned to Daily Investing Tips for more new scam alert every week.
  • Know the tips in avoiding financial scam.

If you also received the same email message, kindly say something about it using the comment box below. What can you say about the email message and give us some ideas the real motive or intention of the sender.

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