Nepal Earthquake News Updates

Nepal had experience a super strong earthquake with amagnitude of 7+. This news was became trending in social media. As of April 27, 2015 there are 3,700 people died due to earthquake in Nepal. Thousands of familieswere affected due to this disaster.According to the news, even the mountaineers in Mt. Everest experienced difficult times, mountaineers met an avalanche. There are almost 4 million views related to that video. Search the video on YouTube on how the camera men did when avalanche is coming. Some mountaineers died in this incident.

Nepal Earthquake News Updates

In this earthquake, the houses, establishments and buildings were destroyed. Roads were also destroyed. Trees fell down. The countries near Nepal like India and Tibet also felt the earthquake. The rescuers were too busy helping many people. According to the news, the number of people died is increasing everyday.

Update: 4,000 people died as of April 28, 2015.

In Vatican City, Pope Francis prayed for Nepal. Some people uploading photos and asking every friends to pray for Nepal. People will expect sudden adjustments in their lives, they might experience hunger and loneliness.

How can you help Nepal and its citizens? You can help the earthquake victims in Nepal in many ways. You can go to there and help the rescuers searching for people who get bury. You can also help the earthquake victims by making a donation. Donate money to Nepal government, earthquake victims will really need it.

This incident reminds us that “we should always be prepared”. I saw some video in the YouTube related to earthquake in Nepal, I think some people aren’t aware on what to do during earthquake. What to do during earthquake? When the earthquake is aggressive, immediately go under the table or stand beside the wall.

Nepal Earthquake News Updates

Always visit this blog and read more world news. We’ll going to give you some ideas on how you can donate money to Nepal some other time. Please say a prayer for Nepal citizens using the comment box below. Also, if there are predictions or another Nepal Earthquake news updates, just leave it in a comment. Thank you!

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