Most Searched Words on Google Globally for 2015


Here are the list of most searched words or keywords on Google in their “A Year in Search 2015”. This lists of words or keywords are the most number of searches in Google according to Google Trends.

The “Paris under attack” distracted the whole world on November 2015. It was called as the “Terror in the heart of Europe”. Since Paris is one of the most famous romantic place in the world. There are 879 million searches for 2015 related to Paris Under Attack.


The Star Wars has 155 million searches according to Google Trends. The Star Wars was released on December. And many people are looking for some ways to watch the preview of the movie.

Paris Under Attack is the Most Searched Words on Google 2015

Take a look of this data to find out the most searched terms or topics on Google. Aside from Paris Under Attack, the 87th Academy Awards is one of the terms that has highest numbers of searches. In Sports, the most searched is Rugby World Cup on September to October 2015 with 246 million searches and Cricket World Cup with 323 million searches on February to March.

Paris Under Attack with More than 897 Million Searches on Google

List of Most Searched Words on Google for 2015

Paris Under Attact 879,000,000 Searches
Terror in the Heart of Europe on November 2015

Star Wars 155,000,000 Searches
The Latest Installment on December 2015

Water on Mars 10,000,000 Searches
Life on the Red Planet on October 2015

Rugby World Cup 246,000 Searches
20 Teams Slug it Out for Victory

The Longest Reigning Queen 100,000,000 Searches
Elizabeth II Reaches a Special Milestone on September 2015

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal 13,000,000 Searches
The Popular Auto Brand Under Fire on September 2015

Migrant Crisis 23,000,000 Searches
A Human Tragedy

Cecil the Lion 32,000,000 Searches
Death of an Icon on July 2015

Women’s World Cup 113,000,000 Searches
The World’s Best Fight It Out in Canada on July 2015

Iran Nuclear Deal 20,000,000 Searches
An Agreement Reached in July 2015

Greece on the Brink 35,000,000 Searches
An Economy Nears Collapse on July 2015

China Crisis 12,000,000 Searches
The Shanghai Stock Market Falls 30% on June 2015

FIFA in Crisis 42,000,000 Searches
World Football’s Governing Body Rocked by Scandal on April 2015

Nepal Earthquake 85,000,000 Searches
How the World Wanted to Help on Aprial 2015

Cricket World Cup 323,000,000 Searches
The 11th Cricket World Cup. Jointly Hosted by Australia and New Zealand on Feburary to March 2015

Farewell to the Brightest Stars 123,000,000 Searches
Remembering the Legends We Lost in 2015 on February

Oscars 2015 406,000,000 Searches
The 87th Academy awards on February 2015

The Dress 73,000,000 Searches
The World Doubts Its Eyes on February 2015

Those are the most searched terms in Google last 2015. Those words was searched by internet user globally. Other list of the most searched words on Google per country will post soon in this blog. Subscribe to this blog to get the latest updates.

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