Most Searched Keywords About Financial on Finance Blog 2014


Finding the most searched keywords about financial topics and blog about it is one of the most effective ways to get traffic to your blog especially if you are a personal finance blogger. Here are the most searched word or the popular searched topic on a finance blog. is a personal finance blog that talks about stocks trading, mutual funds investing, buying an insurance and other related topics about investments. As of December 2014, in my own conclusion, here are the most searched keywords or the most read topics on a finance and business blog or website.

The idea here is not to show you what keywords I wrote. Actually I accidentally typed the words (different keywords) when writing my articles. It is important to know the target audience of your blog. The following keywords might not work or might not be effective if you have a blog related to “online games”. But, if you have a business and finance website, these keywords might help you to think what articles to write for your blog or website.


List of Most Searched Keywords About Financial

If you find these list useful, kindly share it or bookmark it for future references.

Investing Topics – any articles related to investing, here are the most searched words;

  • stock market for beginners, mutual funds, unit investment trust funds, bonds, personal finance books
  • gold, silver, forex trading account online, insurance quotes, real estate, business franchising

Make Money Topics – the topics related on how to earn money.

  • earn money fast, make money online with no money, make money blogging, entrepreneurship
  • start my own business, work at home guides, passive income ideas
  • make money on the internet, make quick bucks
  • make money work for you

Get Rich Topics – here are the topics related to getting rich.

  • how to get rich, get rich slowly but surely, who are the rich
  • rich getting richer, rich mindset, think and grow rich
  • make million dollars, how to become a millionaire,i want to be rich

Tips & Warnings

How to use these keywords? You just have to provide useful content. Do not use these keywords just for the sake of having a keywords in your article. Be careful in using this list, you might only waste your time because  most of these keywords are competitive. If your site is not authoritative, forget this list.

There are different ways on how to find the most searched keywords about financial topics or articles online. There is the Google trends, Bing Trends, Yahoo Buzz Log, AOL Search Trends, Twitter Search, Youtube Keyword Tool, Google AdWords Keyword Tool or just use any of the website that offers free “website or blog search engine optimization analysis”. I hope you find this page helpful. If not, at least you now know what topics to write in your blog or website.

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