Money Gram Department Used in Another eMail Phishing


While I am checking my spam email, I spotted another interesting email from Money Gram with a subject “MONEY GRAM REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT”. My gosh, why there is are many people who send this kind of email.

Few months ago, was published different scam examples and obvious scams sent via email. The first email I shared to this blog is the one email that used the name of Western Union and Report Phishing Scams to Toyota United Kingdom.


Scammers, fraudsters and evils don’t even learned from this blog. As if they are not reading what I published here. When they send me an email messages, all information will be publish here including the subject, their email used, other company or business names used and the content of their message.

Image Credit: Mary Churchill on CC 2.0 via Flickr

Money Gram Department Used in Another eMail Phishing

Money Gram is a reputable company and it will not solicit any email address just to send this type of message that instruct people to pay or to transfer money.

Money Gram Used in Email Phishing to Scam People

Email Message Information

  • Sender Name: Mr Victor Okle
  • Email Address:
  • Message Received: Apr 4 at 8:06 AM

And here is the content of the email message;

OFFICE LINE, +(229)-98890343

Dear Based on the instruction passed to this Money Gram department from
the office of the Governor of the Central Bank, a total sum of
USD$1,5000,000.00 United States Dollars only) Each, has been instructed to
be paid to all the people that there funds transfer were stopped withheld
or confiscated at the Ecowas office from any of the African Countries
According to the explanations made, the Central Bank of the Country of
Origin of your fund and the Government, have decided to take over the issue
of your transfer, to save you from all wire transfer problems you where
facing previously.

This is to help us check-mate all the Fraudulent activities going on here
in West Africa at large. You shall be paid bit by bit until your total sum
is completely received right from the Counter of any Money Gram closest to
you. We have been asked to release to you a total of US$3,450.00 in every
Seven Hours (7hours) until the funds is completely paid, as that is the
maximum limit we are legally allowed to pay in a particular transaction.

After the failure in the transfer of your fund through other means which
may have been made impossible by the European, American or British high
commission and other bodies, I was ordered from the office of the President
and the Central Bank Of Benin to make your payment swiftly via this medium,
you will be receiving $3,450.00 USD every seven hours,till your payment is

Only charge in receiving this payment is the cost of IMF sign and stamp
fee as it was required by IMF.

The required fee should be sent through Money Gram. Upon the receipt of
the $55 USD, your receivers name will be activated to enable you receive
your first installment payment of $3,450.00 immediately. Note: You can not
be able to start picking up the money until your Name is activated to the
system.Immediately we receives the payment, we shall activate your name to
enable you start receiving your payment immediately.

The Receivers Information For The $55 is as follows:

Receivers name: Emma  Onua
Country: Republic Of Benin
City: Cotonou
Text Question: Yes
Answer/ Yes

Send the MTCN Number:_______________________ __
Senders Name:_________________________ _______
Senders Address:______________________ ______

Note: For security reasons, you are advised to keep your information
confidential till your Payment is processed and your money remitted to you
in whatever manner.

Thank you for using Money Gram!
MoneyGram®Money Transfer
Call: +(229)-98890343
Mr Victor Okle.


I don’t know who is Emma Onua. In her instruction, she came from Contonou, Republic of Benin. Hmm, something fishy here. She wants someone to send money to her via Money Gram. It’s obviously a email phishing. It is a fraud. If Money Gram will caught her, she will face criminal case.

As if you don’t know how to spot a scam and email phishing. Just want to get informed you and my readers so that they will not easily attracted and become a victim of this type of illegal activity.

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