CommentLuv Enabled Blogs


One of my commentluv enabled blogs is I have 2 WordPress blogs and this one is my favorite. Feel free to comment, now this WordPress blog was installed a commentluv plugin. I have no idea if this comment luv has an impact in SEO. I just want to hear from my readers about their points of view in any of my post. It’s been a year since I don’t allow the readers to comment on this blog: Total Investment.

I have not time to moderate all blog comments. When I installed the comment box, I receive more than 5 to 10 spam comments a day. But, since I really love comments, I will try to find some time to look all your comments and approve your comment immediately.


The reason, why I installed comment luv is that I learned, some bloggers love to comment in other blogs with a comment luv installed into it.

CommentLuv Enabled Blogs

How to Enable CommentLuv Plugin on WordPress

Assuming you have already installed the CommentLuv plugin in your WordPress blog. All you need to do is to go to plugins > installed plugins > look for Comment Luv and press “activate”.

Reasons Why I Enabled CommentLuv Plugin On My WordPress Blogs

1. I want to identify immediately my readers, if he is also a blogger or not.
2. It’s juts a simple give, his link will insert at the bottom of his comment automatically and once his blog has new post, his new post maybe, link automatically in any of my post to wherein the blogger put his comments.
3. Whenever my blogger friends see my blog post on Twitter and Facebook, they will immediately read the post and leave a comment.
4. Search Engines might love it, therefore, extra traffic for this blog through search engines. I love to get millions of blog hits via search engines.
5. I love to write more articles to get more traffics, and of course comments from other bloggers or readers will increase the content in the published article.

It’s your turn, kindly leave a comment and tell us why you should installed comment luv plugins, what’s the benefits of it. Tell us also if you really love comments in your blog.

Note: I don’t want to make my commenting section as “auto approve” to fight spammers. Thanks to Akismet.

Do not forget to always visit, leave a comment, insert your blog URL, get back links, and of course take advantage of many commentluv enabled blogs especially if its related to your blog niche. If your blog has commentluv enabled plugin, please leave it in the comment box now. Keep on sharing useful and awesome information on the internet.

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