Living Large Sweeps: Online Sweepstakes Scam Alert


I received lots of emails from Living Large Sweeps. I wonder why Living Large Sweeps is aggressively send promotional email. In their email message, Living Large Sweeps address is;

Living Large Sweeps
675 VFW Parkway #168
Chestnut Hill MA 02467


The last message I received from Living Large Sweeps is about their $250 WalMart Card. The sender email address is When I visit the, it will be redirected to a squeeze page of

What I have noticed about is that it attracts the visitors to sign up for their newsletter (promotions) via email.

“Have you been looking for access to the web’s most exclusive contests and giveaways? Then look no further! All you have to do is sign up below, and you’ll be eligible to start winning CASH prizes, gifts, and other rewards as provided by LivingLargeSweeps. Enter your email below to get started:”

Warning Signs of Sweepstakes Scams

One thing I have noticed that the website has no about and contact page. Are the email message I received legitimate? Instead of asking other people if the promotional message I received from Living Large Sweeps are true, I read an article about the different warning signs of sweepstakes scam. And here’s what I found from written by Sandra Grauschopf;’s Contests & Sweepstakes Expert

  • Sweepstakes Scams Want You to Pay to Receive the Prize
  • Sweepstakes Scams Use Free E-mail Accounts
  • Sweepstakes Scams Tell You You’ve Won Contests You Don’t Remember Entering
  • Sweepstakes Scams Send You a Large Check with Your Win Notice
  • Sweepstakes Scams Instruct You to Wire Money
  • Sweepstakes Scams Pressure You to Act in a Hurry
  • Sweepstakes Scams Ask for Bank or Credit Card Info to Receive Your Prize
  • The “Win” is From a Lottery (Especially a Foreign Lottery)
  • Sweepstakes Scams Don’t Know Your Name or Other Info
  • Sweepstakes Scams Pose As Government Organizations
  • Sweepstakes Scam Notifications Arrive by Bulk Mail
  • Sweepstakes Scams Contain Many Typos

Reference: Warning Signs of Sweepstakes Scam

Living Large Sweepstakes WalMart?

I received email message from OMGSweeps with the email address with the subject YOU DID IT! Walmart ($250

YOU DID IT! Walmart ($250)
You have been selected to receive this Walmart Card loaded with $250! Have this balance verified for you by using the highlighted cues.
VERIFY: ($250) Walmart Balance

Living Large Sweeps: Stimulus Owed to Member?

Stimulus CHECK Owed to Member
We just learned that a big-time check may have ARRIVED for Member ! Find out how much has been reserved in your name and request to receive it while it remains available.

The email subject is Stimulus CHECK Owed to Member from an email address

Living Large Sweeps and OMGSweeps Web

I also recieve email message from OMGSweeps Web at with a subject $185.50 – Please Pick Up Payment. Here is what is written in the email message;

“$185.50 – Please Pick Up Payment: We’re connecting as much as a $185.50 payment to you! You can accept this payment by providing your opinions at the link.”

Did you received the same email message? is Living Large Sweeps legit? If it’s legit, why there are many living large sweepstakes email? I have no idea if the email messages I received are related to Clark Howard’s Living Large Sweeps. If you are familiar with Living Large Sweeps and the email message I received, kindly share to readers what these things are all about.

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