Intense Debate Topics in Personal Finance Blog


I used IntenseDebate as my commenting tool in this blog last year 2014. If you are a politician and want a debates, this is not for you. This blog talks about money! Thanks to IntenseDebate for making a new blog commenting tool. Awhile ago, I used other comment plugins in this blog. I didn’t find it user-friendly. I am happy, even my readers are happy for this. You can now add your opinions in any of my articles easily. Hey! Do not forget the commenting policy. The reason why I still enable this blog tool is because I want my readers not to “debate” but to share their own experiences, thoughts, suggestions and opinions.

In a personal finance blog, there are readers who are willing to learn financial education. They keep on asking how investment works, how does the stock market works or even the old question always ask “how to get rich”, or “how to become a millionaire”.


IntenseDebate Topics

  • Which is more important, love or money?
  • Why rich get richer and poor get poorer? readers and visitors are searching for investment opportunities mostly they are came from Philippines, North America and Middle East. One of the most search word in this blog is “investments”, bdo uitf, philequity fund, top mutual funds, stocks to buy, blue chip stocks and how to retire rich.

This simply means there are many people who are interested in investing. I thought people online are only searching celebrity, video games, watching videos, uploading photos on facebook. The 95% visitors of this blog are interested in “MONEY”.

IntenseDebate – Benefits to Great Debaters

We don’t have to debate, we should spread financial literacy in a nice way. Your ideas and opinions you put in a comment box will be very highly appreciated. For me, it will add more value to InvestmentTotal and its readers. You can ask questions. Other readers or me, will answer your questions the best we possibly can.

If you are really serious in achieving financial freedom, learn a lot. If you are not asking questions, that means, you know everything. Sad to say, poor people believes know everything. Rich people continue learn and grow that’s why they are getting richer and richer according to the book of the “secrets of the millionaires mind” by T. Harv Eker.

You can read the comment policy every time you want to post a comment. It will serve as a reminder on how you should make your comments. hates comments that will only hurt other people’s feelings. Avoid attacking other people in any ways.Read  Commenting Policy for more details.

I know you do believe in the law of reciprocal karma. So make a good comments, to make it sweet and simple, just make it relevant to the topic. I want to thank all of you (especially the loyal readers and supporters) of this blog. Thank you very much! May you have achieve financial freedom!

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