How to Write a Blog Post? (Step by Step)


Learn how to write a blog post successfully in just a matter of minutes without sacrificing the quality of your article. Writing a great blog post can be beneficial to you as a writer and to your blog. A perfect blog post can be the best way to generate more traffic via search engines or via social media because people love to share your master piece. Make every article you write a master piece.

Not every blog post are equally written. Some articles might require you to write in 20 minutes and some blog post may require you to create it in 2 hours, 24 hours, 1 week or even one month. I know many professional bloggers who can write a high-quality blog post. But what is “high quality” blog post?


High Quality Blog Post, What is It?

For me high quality blog post is not depending on how many words you inserted in an article. A high quality blog post don’t depend on how much time a writer spend when writing it. This article entitled how to write a blog post is consisting more than 1,000 words was written in 30 minutes. Sorry, I type too slow.

In my own experience, a high quality blog post simply means “answering people’s inquiry” as fast as you can. There are many “search queries” created by internet users that can answer in 100 words, some search queries will only get an appropriate answer if the writer or blogger will make a research. Some search queries need thousand words for further explanations. An answer to the question “how to become rich” will required few hundreds of words while the answer to the question “invest money to get rich” will require more explanation.

How to Write a Blog Post that is in High Quality?

Blogging is a career. Writing is a career. After you created your blog and you want to write your first blog post, you need to think about the subject matter you are talking about. Writing a welcome blog post is different in writing a business blog post. Welcome blog post can be informal, just say hi to your readers. While business blog post should be formal and perfect. Otherwise, if your business blog post is not in high quality, you are lowering the credibility of your own business.

Here is the step by step on how to write a blog post. Follow this step and you will surely write an article in 20 minutes to one hour.

  • Perform Keyword Research
  • Think Unique Blog Post Title
  • Organize Your Content
  • Insert Photos and Videos if Necessary
  • Do Forget to Give Credits
  • Call to Action

How to Write a Blog Post (Step by Step)

Step 1. Perform Keyword Research for Your Blog Post

Keyword research can be done easily. I will give you an idea on how to perform the basic of keyword researching. You need to go to Google AdWord Keyword Planner. Find new keywords and get search volume data. Type your desired keywords in the field that says “Search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category. You can filter your keyword researching in Google AdWord Keyword Planner. At the left side, just press “keyword filters” and insert numbers. Example, if you want a search volume more than 1,000, write 1,000.

There’s no sense of writing a blog post if nobody is searching for the keyword you are targeting. There are many keywords that are most searched in Google search. Want to know the most search words on Google? You need to go to and write a topic about the hottest topic for the day. But, don’t write the most searched words if it is not relevant to your blog niche.

The most searched words are Google, Facebook, Porn, YouTube, Sex and Money.

Note: Writing a “irrelevant” blog post is up to blogger. Some bloggers want to attract blog traffic that’s why they are writing the most search words in their blog or website.

Step 2. Create a Blog Post Title that Catch Readers’ Attention

When writing a blog post headline, make it catch the readers’ attention. Follow the guide in writing a good headlines that is written by me few months ago in If you don’t want to read another long post, here are some of the “must thing to do” when writing a blog post headlines or titles;

  • Use Numbers (Example: 357 Ways to Improve Your Writing in 365 Days)
  • Ask Questions (Example: How to Write Article for Business Website)
  • Insert Curiosity (Example: Reasons Why You are Rich but Others are Richer than You)
  • Case Study (Example: Case Study: How I Make $10,000.00 Writing a Blog Post in 3 Months)
Screenshot when I am writing a blog post in wordpress.

Step 3. Organize Your Content when Writing a Blog Post

Now the next thing to after you perform keyword research and decide what blog post title or headline you should use, it’s time to organize your content. This blog post is a very good example on how I organize my blog post content. Even though this blog post consist of more than 1,000 words, you can read it in less than one minute. Getting my point of view in less than a minute is very easy, because my blog post are easy to scan and easy to read.

  • Insert Subheadings
  • Use Bullet Points or Numbered Lists

That is how I organize my blog post. I always use subheadings and numbered or bullets. Just scan this blog post and you will find out how I write this blog in 30 minutes.

Step 4. Insert Appropriate Photos and Videos to Your Blog Post When Necessary

I usually don’t use photos and videos when writing a blog post. Other professional bloggers said it is better if you write a blog post with appropriate images or videos with it. Readers are there to read every words you write. They are not in your blog to see pictures. Otherwise, they will just open their Facebook account and take a look some photos.

Also, even though it is easy to use photos in your blog post. Just go to stock photo websites and find photos that are free to use under Creative Commons 2.0. But, due to legal matters, avoid using pictures in your blog post if it is not your own picture.

Professional bloggers said your blog post will become SEO friendly if you have a photos or images with it. In my own experience, my blog post that are only pure text ranked #1 in Google. So, it’s up to you if you will use photos or videos in your blog post. Just be cautious.

Step 5. Give Credits to References and Original Sources

It is easy to give credits to your references. I will give you an example. If you wrote a blog post related to “investing” and the idea is not your original idea. You just copied the text from other website. What would you do? You need to write the source and give credit, right? YES!

  • Quote the paraphrase not the whole content of other websites or blogs.
  • If you use books, quote the sentence too and write the author, title of the book, publishing company, date published, ISBN number, pages.
  • Use superscript (The superscript in WordPress icon looks like this X2)

A. Example when Giving Credit To Other Blog/Website Link

According to Mary Grace of,

Investing is a wise decision that an individual can make to prepare his financial future. If you invest money, you need to analyze the risks and minimize them through asset allocation. (1)

Mary Grace is not just an investor. She is also passionate about blogging. He wrote an article on how to create a good headlines that grab the attention of the readers. She wrote in his article;

When writing headline, think yourself as a reader. IS your headline catchy enough to catch the attention of other people? (2)

Source and Citations


(2) Create a Good Headlines in 59.7 Seconds

B. Example when Giving Credits to Books and Magazines

Mary Grace explained why blogging is a career. He wrote in his book;

Blogging is difficult but it is rewarding. Blogging can help you make money. It is fun and therefore, a blogger can make money while having fund on the internet.

Reference: Mary Grace, Author, The Book of Blogging in 21st Century, Grace Publishing 2016, New Jersey, United States, ISBN: 1234-567-8910 page 235

C. Inserting Image Credit

You can insert the credit link to the image you use. I use other people’s photo but I give credits properly. Want some example? Here it is.

Image Credit: Mary Grace on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr — A Man Writing His Own Life Story

Insert Call to Action

After you wrote your blog post? What next? What should your readers need to do? Think about it. You can tell your readers to;

  • Subscribe to your emailing list to receive updates to your blog.
  • Download a FREE eBook
  • Share the blog post with their friends
  • Leave a comment
  • Purchase your affiliate product

A. Email Subscription

Professional bloggers do use this technique. If you want to turn your readers into loyal visitors or customers, get their email addresses.

B. Download FREE eBook

Other people, if they want to read more or want a copy of your master piece, they would likely to request an ebook for it. So, make sure you have your FREE ebook as their guide.

C. Share the Blog Post

You will notice that most blogs and websites has social profiles. They want their readers to get in touch with them in Facebook or Twitter. But, aside from social media profiles, you need to create a social sharing widget for your blog so that the readers will share your blog post. (The readers will only share your blog post to their friends in social media if they liked your article.)

D. Join the Conversation

Ask your readers to leave a comment. Open your comment box and do not forget to reply in their comment. Some readers will appreciate your blog post, other might criticize your work but it is okay because you need to improve your writing. Just reply with their comment.

E. Purchase Affiliate Product Links

If you want to write a blog post and make money, follow the steps above and insert affiliate links. Recommend only the products you are using and comfortable in promoting it. Don’t overselling. Educate your readers first and then recommend your affiliate products and make money.

Tips and Warnings

Now you know how to write a blog post very fast and easily. It is time to apply this knowledge whether you are using WordPress blogging platform or Google Blogger. This blog post will only make sense if you do what is written here in your own blog post.

Things to DOs

Always remember, when writing a blog post DO;

  • Answer the queries immediately.
  • Create a high quality blog post.
  • Make your blog post easy to scan and easy to read.
  • Organize your content.
  • Write naturally and everything will be fine.


Don’t repeat the same mistakes of other bloggers. Some bloggers are going crazy and not unprofessional because they do the following;

  • Keyword stuffing
  • Spend more time in researching
  • Spending less time in creating blog content
  • Write for search engine bots

If you think this masterpiece is valuable to you as a blogger or writer, share this with your friends. You learned how to write a blog post today. Let other newbie writers or bloggers know about it too. Do not forget to share your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Thank You!

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