How to Teach Students in a Fun and Exciting Way? (4 Steps)


How to teach students in a fun and exciting way is one of the most frequently asked questions by many teachers around the world. There are many teaching strategies that you can use to make your class excited and interested. Today, let me share some tips on how to teach students the way they enjoy it and at the same time they will learned many things.

Preparing  your lesson plan and you preparing the materials you will used in your presentation is not enough. You will need to make sure that your lesson plan is matching your strategy. You want your students to become excited, yo should create a lesson plan wherein there are some activities that make the students interested and excited.


How to Teach Students in a Fun and Exciting Way?

1. Use a Digital Media when Teaching Students. Don’t just talk with your students using you chalk. In your presentation, use catchy images, attractive pictures so that you will get the attention of the students easily.

2. Play Games. Insert some games wherein the games is related to your lesson. Students especially kids love game. And probably you will love playing games, too.

Warning: When playing games. Set some rules and strictly follow the rules to maintain disciplined in your class.

3. Let Your Students Experience the Outside World. Students, kids, adults and even me and you love to explore. We wants adventure. We want to explore the surroundings. You can apply this tip whatever subject you are teaching, but in most cases, sciences can get benefits to this tip.

4. Give Reward to Your Students. We all wants reward. You can give your students a reward. Might be a simple gift or a creative art created by you like “book mark”. You can also give food as a gift like chocolates, cakes, breads and candies.

Image Credit: BK on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr — Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin

Warning: Don’t give foods that aren’t allowed to eat by your students. Know your students very well. Know what makes them happy during your class. Keep on doing what they love and insert your lesson to any of the activities they love to do.

Thought of the Day

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin

Teaching is rewarding. It will be more rewarding if you can make your student’s day a good day. Take note of the activities and suggestions above. Some of this ways or tips aren’t effective to different types of learners. The strategy on how to teach students with autism is of course different to the strategy you should use when teaching students with emotional and behavioral disorders.

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