How to Teach English Abroad Easily?


Want to teach English abroad? Here are the ideas to find education jobs overseas. Teaching English grammar in other countries is a rewarding job. Many non-English speaking countries especially from Asia and other European countries are hiring many English teachers online and offline. Maybe you asked, how much money can I make through teaching English? Or you are thinking if I will teach English to other country, am I eligible?

English is a universal language. Wherever you want to go, other can easily understand you if you speak English. English is very important in our daily lives. Many news and updates on television, newspapers and magazines are well-written in English. How can I get the benefits in reading, watching or listening to those mediums if I don’t know how to speak and comprehend simple English sentence.


Now is the time to teach other people from other countries English. So, let us find out how to get a teaching job in other countries.

Teaching English Abroad is Rewarding

Why teaching English abroad is a rewarding job? First your students will be more interesting to know about the language than those students from other countries wherein they use the language everyday.

Students are well motivated and willing to learn. However it is hard to teach English abroad especially if the language aren’t always use. Unless you will work in other country whereas English is one of the major subjects in academics.

To teach English abroad is very exciting. You will meet different people. You will learn their cultures and traditions. You can also learn different languages.

Example, if you will teach English in Japan, you should know first different Japanese words and translate them to English language. Would you teach kids to speak English in Spain if you don’t know how to translate simple Spanish language to English? You will become more effective if you are knowledgeable about the language used by a certain country from where you want to work in.

Photo: Frontierofficial via Flickr CC 2.0

Procedures to Take to Teach English Abroad

Search online jobs. If you are from USA, you are lucky because other countries prefer native English speaker. Schools and universities from other countries prefer American English teachers to make sure that their students will receive high quality education.

Step 1. Search education jobs online.
You can type in Google search the following;
Teach English grammar in (country here), English teachers for hire in (put country here). American English teachers wanted in (country here).

It is also good if you will search the job posting sites of other countries. Other job sites like monster, careerbulider, indeed, etc. has local job and international job searching options. Be a member of a job posting sites, complete your personal information, educational background and employment history.

Step 2. Upload your best CV online.
Do not forget it upload your resume in a job posting site. Many employers can find your skills if you uploaded a CV online.

Step 3. Apply in Exchange Program
Ask the authority if your country has exchange program. Most programs are limited, government usually accept few individuals in the program. Some of the exchange programs can be your footstep to teach English abroad.

Countries that Hiring English Teachers

  • Korea
  • China
  • Japan
  • Spain
  • Singapore

Who is Eligible to Teach English Abroad?

There are certain eligibility tests you need to take. Other companies or employers aren’t very strict in selecting English teachers as long as you can speak, listen, write English fluently, it will be okay for them.

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