How to Play Online Games with Friends? (5 Steps)


Step by step guide on how to play online games with friends. If you want to know the best games to play online, read further. Playing games on the internet is fun. It can be relaxing. But, it can also waste a lot of your time if you will get addicted to it. There are many online games to play with friends listed in this article.

The things you need if you want to play online games with friends are internet connection. Make sure you have a very fast internet connection when playing games on the internet. Another thing you should have is “computer”. You need not only one computer, but enough computers to accommodate all your friends. If you are 5 in a group of friends who wants to play online games, you need 5 set of computers.


How to Play Online Games with Friends?

  1. Invite your friends personally or online.
  2. Ask your friends what online games they would like to play.
  3. Decide what type of online games. You can choose adventure games, war games, strategy games, math games, sport games like NBA or car racing games.
  4. Choose multiplayer games. Those games allows 2 or more players.
  5. Enjoy.
Image Credit: Official GDC on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr

Classifications of Online Games

There are many online games that classified as action, racing, adventure, fun, games for girls, arcade games, cricket games, sports games, puzzles, etc.

Tips and Warnings in Playing Online Games with Friends

Choose games that can make you creative as a person. Other online games can help the players to think critically. Some online games are about “money” or”business”.  Do not play casino online games. It will not be good for you if you will train yourself how to play in casino. The objective of those type of online games is to make the player a good “gambler”. Learning how to gamble is not a good idea. It will destroy your financial future. So, you better watch out for the online games you want to play with your friends.

Useful online games are those games that can teach you how to survive and defend or protect yourself but not how to teach you and your friends to become violent. I know an online game that can teach you how to become familiar with real estate investing – play FREE real estate tycoon games in 

Minimize your exposure in playing online games. Don’t make it a habit. Making it a hobby is good, but playing online games as your habit is not good for your future. Unless you are making money out of playing games online. Now you know how to play online games with friends, invite your friends and enjoy your free time. Remember, online games are addictive! I hope you will not play online games that can only make you a miserable person.

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