How to Make Your Facebook Account Useful?


You know Facebook sign up ads is everywhere! Learn how to make your facebook account useful and productive. Here are the another facebook tips from – your personal finance blog. There are facebook users who don’t know how to maximize the benefits of having a facebook account. Some user usually upload or download a photo, share and like a certain thing. Today, let us discuss how can you make your facebook account meaningful to you and to other people especially to your friends.

I assume you have the Facebook account already. If you have not yet a Facebook user, kindly go to its official website, sign up, verify your account, start adding friends and do whatever you want to your account.


Update: Watch out for the kidnappers using Facebook. Protect your child from these bad guys. Read on how to become aware of kidnappers to protect your child.

If you will follow this, I am so sure you will change the way you use social networking sites not just Facebook but other social networking sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and many more. This will be beneficial to you especially if you want to have a wonderful Facebook experiences.

Things Needed
Of course you need an email or a phone number when registering an account at Facebook.

How to Make Your Facebook Account Useful?

1. Start adding friends preferably those people you only know personally.
2. Join groups according to your interest, hobbies or skills.
3. Like Facebook pages, pages that can help you learn and discover new things such as page. Share links that is useful to you and to your friends.

4. Upload pictures not only yourself or friends, upload a pictures that can promote the “environmental protection”, a pictures that can lessen cyber crimes.

5. Join discussions, avoid chikkas or hearsay. Try to join the discussion that has something to do to improve your life or to improve the world. Join Facebook discussions such as global warming, personal finances, smart parenting, successful entrepreneurship, financial investing and retirement planning, etc.

6. Do not play online games, it will only waste your time.
7. Share and like articles, photos or videos that you think useful and meaningful.
8. Avoid or block your Facebook friends that threaten your reputation.

9. Update your status using the positive thoughts not negative ones. Write only the word you think other people will get benefits from it. Keep on being grateful and how thankful you are because until today you are still alive. Do not ever talk about pork barrel scam, bad political news, poverty, sickness. Believe me, even in social networking sites can apply the law of attraction, what you see is what you get, what you write is what you get. Or I can say, what you liked and shared is what you get. If you liked sickness you will get sickness, if you liked poverty you will get poverty and vice versa.

More Tips to Make Your Facebook Account Useful

If you are a business minded individual, do not forget to create your facebook business page and promote it. Or try to upload your business products in your timeline, who knows your business will become popular online. Do you know that you can generate sales using facebook? Ask your friends to buy your products while you are using Facebook, that way you can make your Facebook account productive, sell on facebook rather than wasting your time doing nonsensical matters.


When using Facebook, ignore the things that has no value, do not like and share the things you know it’s not beneficial to you and to your friends. Do not be a victim of a cyber bullying, if you experience cyber bullying, report the incident immediately to your parents, teachers, trusted friends and to the government authority. Do not join investment “opportunities” online offered by a stranger.

Do not get lured to “get rich quick” scheme promoted on Facebook. If other people will insist to promote investments online, learn how to spot financial investments immediately.

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