How to Invest in Fidelity Mutual Funds


Investing in mutual funds seems intresting nowadays. One of your best choice should be to invest in mutual funds in Fidelity Investments. This company is well known for its professional track records especially in mutual funds. Fidelity mutual funds has different investment products you can choose to gorw your money overtime. Investment products such as mutual funds, retirement and IRAs, trading, stocks, fixed income and bonds, ETF’s, cahs management, annuities and life insurance.

The goal of Fidelity is to help people to improve their lives. They teach people financial literacy and retirement planning by providing guidance in investing, wealth management, estate planning and inheritance, providing information and guides about tax, saving for education especially when your kid will enter college and also it will teach you about life insurance.


How to Invest Money with Fidelity Mutual Funds?

Wondering how to open a mutual fund investment account in Fidelity or are you looking for the results of mutual funds performance of Fidelity Investments? Here are the top performing mutual funds wherein to can help you in choosing the right type of mutual fund to invest with. Although, present performance doesn’t guarantee a future return on investment, it is still great to know which mutual funds are performing well during the past 5 years, 3 years, 1 year or the well performing mutual funds since the inception dates.

What is a Mutual Fund?

Mutual fund is a pooled investment of many people (investors) invested in different investment vehicles such as stocks, securities, bonds and money market. Experts says investing in mutual fund is a one best way to diversify. You do not need to acquire a lot of skills such as trading in stocks if you want to invest in mutual fund. The fund manager will do the work (the investing) for you. It means, all you have to do is to open a mutual fund account, choose what type of funds, make your initial investment and let your money grow. You only need to trust the company and the mutual fund manager.

How to Invest in Fidelity Mutual Funds?

Investing in mutual funds is very easy, however you need to take consideration for these following steps before you make an investment decision.

Things Needed:
Investment capital and other important documents

Step One: Know Your Risk Tolerance

Before investing in mutual fund, you should analyze yourself by thinking how much you want to take risk? What is your risk tolerance, or risk appetites? Are you an aggressive type of investor? Or you just want to take moderate risk or low risk?

Investing Tips: If you are still young, you can take as high risk as you can because if there is a market crash, you have a lot of time to recover, compare to older people, they should take moderate to low risk only.

Step Two: Match Your Risk Tolerance in a Mutual Fund Type

After you have analyzed what type of investor are you. It’s time to think about the type of mutual fund that suits your needs or investing goal. Example, if you are an aggressive investor, you need to choose fidelity mutual fund equity type (invested in stocks). If you want to take low risk, then choose money market mutual fund type.
Of course, the higher the risk you take, the higher the return on investment.

Step Three: Have an Investing Goal , Know Your Investment Horizon

Now, create an investing plan. Decide how much money do you want to invest in fidelity mutual funds. Would you prefer investing lump sum (one time investment) or do it every month regularly (dollar cost averaging)? You need to know how much money will your investment cost you monthly and annually. Until when your money will stay invested? When is your plan to redeem your funds? What is your expected returns on your investments?

Be specific when making a goal, it should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely). Do you think you can make millions in 2 years if you are only investing hundreds? Just be specific, some mutual funds can help you double your money. Learn the formula on how to double your investment capital today.

Investing Tips: You don’t need to invest at high risk, all you need is to invest in a mutual fund type that really meet your needs. In investing, your best allies are time and the effect of compound interest. You can take advantage of time and compound interest even for mutual fund type that belongs in “low risk” category.

Step Four: Know Your Investment Purpose

What is the primary reason why you are investing? Is it for your child’s education, for a brand new house, for a business capital or to make another passive income, or for your retirement?  You should know what exactly are you investing for.

Step Five: Know Your Fidelity Mutual Funds

Considering Fidelity Investments, this company is a well known investment firm in USA providing great services to its clients and its investment products will help you meet your needs. There are different mutual fund type in Fidelity Investments. Choose the best performing mutual funds of Fidelity Investments. You only need to choose one or two as long as these mutual funds will help you in meeting your needs or help you achieve your investment goal.

Important: Please help other people providing useful information by writing a mutual fund review in the comments box of this page. I really appreciate your help. I want to thank you for that.

Step One of Step Five: Get Education, Learn the Basic

Ask the customer representative of Fidelity Investments about their seminars schedule. If you have no time to attend seminars, you can watch the presentation on Youtube or read their investment guides in their official website. But it is recommended to attend seminars so that you will easily understand what is the risk involved and the possible returns of investing in different mutual funds type. After attending seminar, an advisor might make a “risk profiling” for new client, that’s good thing for you, because there are questions to be answered to know what your risk profile really is. You need an advisor, you can’t do the risk profiling alone.

Step Two of Step Five: Open Your Fidelity Investment Account

Having a Fidelity Investment account is very easy, you only need to do a little task. You can do it online or send some documents in their mailing address. When opening an account, Fidelity will ask you about the investment products you are interested into. So select fidelity mutual funds carefully especially if the product is for your retirement.

Also Read: Fidelity Mutual Funds and Performance

Step Three of Step Five: Deposit Payments

You have to make your initial investments. Try to call Fidelity Investment customer representative

Fidelity Investment specialists or experts may help a lot. Ask them for an advice especially mutual funds investing, they might give you the best advice based on their own experiences.

Investing Tips: Try to ask Fidelity Investments if they are offering a services wherein they can help you to invest automatically by means of salary auto deduction from your employer before your paycheck comes in. Investing requires self discipline, just in case, you’re not a disciplined investor, automatic investing might help you.

Other Important Things to Ask:

Find a Fidelity advisor mutual funds and ask about the fees, load and it is important to ask about the redemption process. I am sure there is a mutual fund redemption form downloadable in Fidelity Official website.

Other Tips: If you want to know on what’s going to your investments, go to the official website and check the daily prices, or you can visit other financial websites with real-time tracking and enter the symbol or ticker of your selected fidelity mutual funds.

  • Example: Fidelity® Cash Reserves
  • Symbol: FDRXX

As a Summary:

  • If you want to invest your money with Fidelity mutual funds, you have to analyze first your risk tolerance, have an investment goal, know the reasons why you’re investing, how many years to stay invested.
  • After analyzing your risk tolerance and the goal and purpose of your investment. You have to open an account and make your initial investment.
  • It is better to get education first in investing, you can attend seminars, read investment guides or watch Fidelity Investments presentation on Youtube.
  • Ask, ask and ask. Ask the fees involved, the sales load and the ways on how to redeem your investment.

Final Thought:
Investing is the best possible way to help yourself to achieve financial freedom, because, investing can help you make your money work for you even when you’re not working. Just do whatever it take to succeed, if you can do a simple task especially opening an investment account in Fidelity Investments, the next process of investing is very easy. Just have a habit of investing and receive your golden rewards soon. Also, increase your knowledge everyday about financial literacy. You can visit, there are bunch of investing guide in this blog.

Disclaimer: owner is not affiliated with Fidelity Investment. Any registered trademarks or business names or slogan mentioned in this blog are owned by their respective companies. Ask the financial experts or ask your Fidelity advisor related to investing, do your own research or investigation before making any investment decision.

Reference: Fidelity Investment |
Other Topics: Fidelity Mailing Address

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Money Quote and Sayings for the Day:

The most important factor in achieving financial success is not the money. It is the kind of person you have to become to earn that money and then hold on to it – Brian Tracy

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