Top 3 Health and Fitness Tips for Beginners Blogger


Looking for health and fitness tips for beginners for every busy bloggers? Do you want to stay healthy and fit while you are busy updating your very complicated WordPress blog? This post should not be here because this blog is about saving and investing money. Few days ago, I decided to blog more about what I know instead of focusing only to one topic – the money.

I am busy too, but not as busy as you are. I am spending few hours in I am always making sure that I am not abusing my health while I am building a blog.


What makes you busy as a blogger? You will spend time for creating a content. Writing articles. The Search Engine Optimization stuff like link building. The keyword researching and more time on building list of subscribers. You will become more busy if your blog is new.

Health and Fitness Tips for Beginners Blogger

Today, let me share my own experience on how a blogger can keep himself healthy and fit. Any blogger can do this simple guide.

Image Credit: Vic via Flickr CC 2.0

Health and Fitness Tips for Beginners #1: Healthy Sense of Vision

Do you know that your eyes in risk when you expose them over a long period of time in front of your desktop? I know you are aware of that. The solution to keep your eyes healthy are;

  • Avoid over exposure
  • Take some rest if you feel your eyes are stressed
  • Lessen the brightness of your monitor screen

Health and Fitness Tips for Beginners #2: Healthy Body for Every Blogger

If you are in front of your computer and you have no time to exercice, what would happen to your body? You will get fat, like an old pig. You can have a great body if you limit yourself working in your blog. Take some time to exercise like;

  • Playing basketball every weekends
  • Jogging and walking every afternoon
  • Playing with your kids every morning in the park

Aside from exercise, a blogger can keep his body health and fit when he is eating healthy foods;

  • Avoid too much sugar
  • Avoid over eating when you’re stress and tired
  • Drink plenty of water everyday

Health and Fitness Tips for Beginners #3: Good Posture While Writing Articles

While I am thinking what to blog about today. I have noticed that my mind, my body and soul are still great though I am quiet busy in blogging. I am busy because was just migrated from blogger to a very complicated WordPress. I know the are many things I should learn to succeed in blogging. Let me share to you while I am still looking good.

I am taking care of my posture especially when I am in front of my monitor screen. I am making sure that my body position is correct.  You can search on Google Image about the proper posture when typing in a computer.

How Do You Keep Yourself Healthy as a Blogger?

I know if you want to make serious money in blogging, you have to take blogging seriously. But, you can make a lot of money in blogging even without taking too much risk especially health risk.

What about you? I want to know how do you keep yourself, your whole body health and fit as a busy blogger. How do you find this article useful? Do you want to share something useful on how to keep healthy and fit as a blogger?  Please leave a comment below. Thank you!

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