How to Get Millions of Blog Traffic Hits from Search Engines?


I want to get millions of traffic to my blog! I need help. Teach me how to get traffic to my blog and how can I effectively get millions of blog traffic from search engines especially on Google. I admit I am not SEO Expert. I find search engine optimization a very difficult task. Can you teach me how do I generate more blog traffic through organic search now. My blog now is a one and 3 month old. I am hoping more traffic hits from search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) will spike this coming year.

What I am doing is that I just wrote articles. I don’t care about SEO. I don’t even search my keywords which to use. So far, there are only 50 visits from search engines coming to this blog searching from investment opportunities and which companies stocks to buy.


How to Get Millions of Blog Traffic Hits from Search Engines?

This is a personal finance blog, I am trying to make it multi-niche slowly. Blogging topics about money (investing in stocks, mutual funds, forex and insurance). I am writing articles mostly about;

  • Personal Finance
  • Stock Market Investing
  • Mutual Funds Investing
  • Guide in Buying Life Insurance
  • FOREX trading (sometimes)
  • Financial Literacy
  • How to Invest, etc.

I think one of the best ways to get more traffic from search engine is to write topics about what people are searching for on the internet. Internet users are not interested about “financial” topics. Maybe people are more interested in a website or blog that has contents about downloading a videos, Facebook tips and tricks, softwares, android apps, new iPhone, humor, rumors and any things that makes the internet users “entertained”.

Is It Easy to Get Millions of Blog Traffic Hits from Search Engines?

Maybe I have a lot of competitors in finance niche. Do you have any idea what specific niche is the best to generate traffic hits from search engines. One day, I experiemented new things. I shared my post to Twittter, Digg, Google+, Linked In, Reddit and Facebook, that article gets 200 hits. Do I need to always submit my article to these social networking sites after I published it in my blog?

I don’t want to lose my visitors from USA. Almost 50% of them are repeat visitors reading my blog content. What should I do now? I admit blogging is just my hobby. That’s why I will never quit writing. I just started this blog talking about my “total investments – my personal stocks portfolio”. Now, This blog consist of 299 articles. What’s the better way to make my articles be on the first page on Google and other search engines.

Sometimes, I agree with other bloggers about their opinions on how to get a lot of web hits. They say “more articles equals more traffic”. But when I read some SEO blogs they say “high quality content”. I am confusing. There are articles in that are high quality content but they aren’t getting traffic. Most of the time. My short and seasonal articles are the ones who get the most traffic from search engines.

A Journey to Get Millions of Blog Traffic

I feel like I am just wasted my time when writing high quality content which consist of almost 1,500 – 2,000+ words. I don’t know where to focus. A short articles consist of at least 300 words or a high quality content that consist of 2,000+ words.

If you have time in sharing your strategies about getting organic traffic, please do share it. Let me know how to reallt get millions of traffic to my blog! I love comments, share your opinions and ideas! ! Thank you for your precious time reading this page. I am looking forward for your suggestions.

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