Forbes Rich List: 10 Richest People in the World


Looking for Forbest rich list? Here are the top 10 richest people in the world. Still Bill Gates is the richest man in the world with a net worth of $79.2 Billion. Actually, Bill Gates is richer than the US President. Bill Gates bought his private jet to use when visiting his foundation. He is the CEO of Microsoft. The rank 2 is Carlos Slim Helu has a $77.1 Billion net worth. he came from the country of Mexico and rank number 3 is Warren Buffett – the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway has a net worth of $72.7 Billion. The names, source of wealth, country or citizenship and their net worth are as follows;

 Forbes Rich List: 10 Richest People in the World

Rank Billionaire’s Name Net Worth
1 Bill Gates $79.2 Billion
2 Carlos Slim Helu $77.1 Billion
3 Warren Buffett $72.7 Billion
4 Amancio Ortega $64.5 Billion
5 Larry Ellison $54.3 Billion
6 Charles Koch $42.9 Billion
7 David Koch $42.9 Billion
8 Christy Walton $41.7 Billion
9 Jim Walton $40.6 Billion
10 Liliane Bettencourt $40.1 Billion

The updates of their net worth was written on May 11, 2015. If you want to know the real time net worth of these Billionaires, visit Forbes.Com rich list. If you want to know the other names of the billionaires, feel free to visit Forbes Rich List. Thank you!


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