How to Find Items for Sale on Facebook in Your Local Area Easily


Anyone can find items for sale on Facebook easily wherever they are residing. You can easily find products and services for sale in your local area or locations using Facebook search. Whether you’re looking for a used iPhone or brand new or the latest iPhone, a used cars, a house and lot, a clothes, shoes, electronic gadgets, spa and massage services, laundry, hotel accommodations, and even a small items for sale can easily find using Facebook.

Online shopping can be convenient even without using the services of online shopping sites. All you need to do is to log in to your Facebook account, and perform a good search.


Part 1 of 2: Search Find Items for Sale on Facebook in Your Local Area Easily

Step 1. Use Facebook search engine. After you logged in to Facebook, you can now use the Facebook search bar whether you’re using mobile phone or computer.

Step 2. Use a proper search string. You can’t find items for sale in Facebook in your local area if you just search “iPhone” and hit enter. Try to broaden and modify your search.

By adding your places or location, and some details of the products or services you are looking for, you can find them easily on Facebook. Example, let’s say you and me are friends and we want to buy a used BMW car executive series.

Search String Examples

  • Black BMW Executive Series 2008 Albany, New York
  • Used BMW Model 2008 Albany, New York

Step 3. Use Facebook advanced search. You have the options to show only the items for sale posted by anyone or your friends only or the items for sale posted in the Facebook groups you are a member of.

You can also modify the tagged location (use your location) and change the date posted. If you’re looking for a second hand car, you can use year 2016 or 2015.

Part 2 of 2: Join Facebook Groups and Find Items for Sale on Facebook in Your Local Area Easily

Step 1. Join Facebook groups related to “buy and sell”. You can see many buy and sell related Facebook groups by searching “buy and sell + your local area”. Example, “buy and sell in Albany New York”.

To be specific, you can only use a specific “keyword” if you’re looking for a specific products or services. Example; “buy and sell cars in New York city”, or “car for sale in Albany New York”.

Step 2. Find items for sale in Facebook groups. Now, you can easily find products or services for sale on Facebook using Facebook groups. All you need to do is to view “Items for sale” in the groups you joined.

Also, when you logged on to Facebook, you can see the products or services for sale posted by the other members as long as you are following the groups. You can see immediately the items for sale in the newsfeed if you follow the Facebook groups to where you are a member of.

Step 3. Write a comment in the items for sale you wish to buy. The member who posted the item will immediately send you a private message or leave a reply in their post once you tell them you’re interested to buy the item.

Tips & Warnings

  • Use proper search string and specific to the items (products or services you wish to buy) using Facebook.
  • Search your preferred brand, location, prices, condition and other details.
  • When you join Faceboook group, do not join the groups not related to your interest or items you wish to buy. The Facebook group intended for cars is different to the group whereas the members are interested to buy and sell house and lots.
  • It is easy to find items for sale on Facebook as long as you are very specific. When you found an item, send a private message to the seller.
  • Be careful to scammers and fraudulent activities. Buying in Facebook can can be very convenient but be careful to sellers.

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