Beware of Fake Jobs on Facebook; POEA Warnings


Faker jobs on Facebook are bombarding the popular social site (Facebook).It is common to every Filipino to find a jobs online and they are using Facebook to find job vacancies local and abroad.

If you want to work abroad, and want to use Facebook in your job search,be sure already heard the news and warnings of POEA. It is very dangerous for every job hunter to find jobs online especially nowadays there are loot of fake recruitment agencies and they are just planning to scam the applicants or job hunters.


Read this POEA warnings about the listed jobs on Facebook (Fake jobs on Facebook). The facebookis using by many illegal recruiters.That is why,the POEA published an warning about it. It is stated that;

“Most of the Facebook pages offering jobs are operated by scammers, illegal
recruiters, and other enterprising individuals who wanted to earn extra
money though advertisements and links to other job portals. Owners of
these Facebook accounts post job vacancies that were either fake or
unverified and were not approved by the POEA.”

Image Credit: POEA

Therefore, we should be aware that not all jobs posted on Facebook that has POEA logo and name on it,many of those posts arejust using the name and logo of POEA and lured the people and make them believe that the posted jobs are legitimate or”not scam”.

You can find a career tips here or some of the POEA jobs available by countries in this website.Share this post to everyone so other people will not get scam.

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