Facebook Trending is Now Live


Facebook trending widget is now live on Facebook homepage. You can see the trending topics on Facebook now. This is a great news since we want to get more updates about news and current events. While I was searching for OFW Tambayan on Facebook awhile ago, I have noticed that the trending topics is now live on Facebook.

What’s the reasons why do Facebook decided to show the trending topics while the users are logged in? I also want to talk about the benefits of this trending widgets for the users.


Facebook Trending Widget

A simple widget that allows you to choose topics and find easily the trending post on Facebook. There are several categories you can choose. If you want to know the trending topics about entertainment, politics, science and technology, sports, etc., you can do by just choosing a specific category.

The facebook trending widget is located at the right side bar of the Facebook after you logged in. It replaced the location of “status updates notifications”.

Facebook Trending Widget

The Top Trends on Facebook Trending Widget

The top trending topic on Facebook while I am writing this post are Lamborghini Gallardo, a video that shows motorist driving sports car trhough flooded intersection. The National Rifle Association, a group releases statement responding to Pres. Barack Obama’s executive orders. Other trending topics are Just Cause 3, WrestleMania 32, NCIS, Amy Schumer, #WasteHisTime2016, Powerball, Milano and Blue Monutain State.

The top trends are changing everyday. If you want to make your post trending on Facebook, attract more users to like and share your post. Maybe the basis of becoming on the top trends is the number of Facebook shares and likes.

Facebook Trending Widget will Make Users Interact

The benefits of Facebook trending widget is to inform the users what’s going on the community. What are the viral post, the top trends. Also, this widget will make the users to spend more time online (on Facebook) by giving reactions and comments.

Aside from updating your Facebook status, uploading a photos and facebook, joining groups, promoting your products or services on Facebook, you can also know easily the best topics of the day in Facebook. Let me know what you think about the Facebook trending widget.

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