Facebook Homepage Made Simple

The Facebook homepage is the simplest homepage I have ever seen. What I have noticed about the homepage of facebook.com is that it captures easily the visitors name and email address Because of simplicity of the Facebook homepage, there is no reasons why you can’t easily create an account with this largest social media site.

Today let us find out the reasons why Facebook created a simple homepage, the lessons learned in creating a simple blog or website and the reasons why some people landed in the wrong Facebook homepage.

Facebook Homepage is Simple

A simple dark blue with off white background is simple. In the homepage of Facebook, you will only see the sign up form and log in form.

These are the options that Facebook can give to every visitors. If you are a new visitor of Facebook, your option is to create an account. If you are a registered user, you only need to type your email and password to log in to your Facebook account.

Lessons Learned on Facebook Homepage

If you are a blog owner or website owner, you must admit that simplicity is the best design for your website. In the Facebook homepage, the priority is to log in or sign up.

The lesson here is simple, you must know if your website or blog homepage design will help you achieve your goal. If your goal is to get leads by capturing your visitors email address, you need to have a simple design. A design that is not distracting the visitors to do other things aside from signing or subscribing to your mailing list.

So, if you are an internet marketer, blogger or website owner, you better learned why Facebook.com has a simple homepage. Redesign your website or blogs, make it simple and ensure that your design will help you achieve your website’s or blog’s goal.

Reasons Why You aren’t Landed in Facebook Homepage

The reasons why many people aren’t landed in the correct facebook homepage (the facebook.com) is that they are searching the word “facebook” on Google and they mistyped the incorrect words such as Facebok (single “letter O”), Faecbook (misspelled), Facbook (forgot letter “E”) Facbok (forgot letter “E” and only single “O”) and Faecbok (the combination of the two).

Other people will type the Facebook Homepage URL in the browser and they will also misspelled the words such as Faecbok.com, Facbok.com, Facebok,com, Faecbook.com or Facbook.com

I suggest that you bookmark the correct Facebook homepage. The correct URL is Facebook.com or

I hope you find this useful. Share it with your friends so that they will never misspelled or mistyped the wrong URL of Facebook homepage. Thank you!

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