How to Create Facebook Account Easily


It’s been a long time since I created my Facebook account. Having a Facebook account is fun and awesome especially when you’re chatting with old friends. In our today’s world, people will only laugh at you if you tell them you don’t have an account at FB.

This social media site became very popular. It is one of the most visited website in the world. People love to use Facebook because they can share photos, videos and they can share what’s going on in their personal lives.


Through Facebook, you can see the latest photos of your friends in News Feed. You can share what’s new about you in your Timeline. You can also search electronics gadgets for sale. You can also find properties for sale like cars and houses.

Things Needed

  • Mobile phone
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Internet connection
  • Available photo

Creating a Facebook Account

If you are one of the few people who don’t have yet a Facebook account, here is the guide on how to create a Facebook account easily.

Step 1. Go to Facebook official website.

Step 2. Fill out the sign up form.

Enter your first name and last name. You need to type your real name so that other people can find you easily. Enter your email address or your mobile number. Choose which one would you like to use. If you used email address when you create your Facebook account you will use the same email address when you want to log on to Facebook.

Enter new password. Password should not related to your birthday. Create a password that are easy to guess so that hackers can’t easily access your Facebook account.

You should also tell your real birthday and your gender. It is important to tell exactly your birthday for a better Facebook experience.

Step 3. Click “Sign Up”

Tips and Warnings

  • When creating a Facebook account, make sure you use real information so that other people like your friends, relatives, classmates, colleagues and even neighbors can easily find you online.
  • Do not add friends you don’t personally know for safety purposes.
  • Do not give your Facebook account login details to anyone.
  • Regularly change your Facebook password. This will ensure that your account will never get compromised, can’t easily get hacked and use by other people.
  • Spend time to learn Facebook timeline custom privacy settings.

Okay! It’s time for you to create your own Facebook account. Imagine, even a 5 year-old kid knows how to use Facebook. It is ashame if you are adult and no Facebook account.

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