Can Donald Trump Make America Great Again?


Donald Trump is running for President. Can Donald Trump make America great again? What do you think? Donald Trump is one of the richest men in America. He is well-known as a real estate tycoon and TV personality.

I am not into politics, but what makes me curious is why did he say so. Hmm, make America great again. While I am watching US news, there are many hot topics about Donald Trump.


If America is a great nation, which do you think is the greatest? If Donald Trump can make America great again, among other Presidential candidates, who do you think can make USA the greatest country in the world.

America is Great, Ever!

Many people believe America is great. Great place to live, great place to work, great place to talk about. Me, too, if there is one country we need to talk about, I will choose United States of America.

However, there are issues that should be talk about;

  • Immigration Laws
  • Education
  • Same Sex Marriage
  • Health Care
Image from Marc Nozell via Flickr CC 2.0

Donald Trump Can Make America Great Again

I think Donald Trump can make it. If he can make his own business empire great, I think it’s very possible to make America great again if he will become a US President. The question is, how many Americans believe in this goal. Making America great again, for Donald Trump, it is a clear and a specific goal.

What about you? What can you say about Donald Trump famous “tagline”. Can he make America great again or not? Let me know your thoughts and opinions on this matter. Thank you!

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