Should I Buy New iPhone 7 Release Even if the Prices are High?


There is a rumors around the web especially tech sites about the new iPhone release date. The new Apple iPhone might be the iPhone 7 that is expected to release this year 2016. You can buy new iPhone today like iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 or iPhone 6S if you just want to, just make sure you buy it for a good purpose. Buy it not to impress other people.

When buying new iPhones, most people are looking for the price. You should look first tech specifications. The camera should at least 5 mega-pixel, retina HD display with at least 5 inches and for security, it should have the touch ID. Noone can use your new iPhone unless they will use your fingerprint. Of course when it comes to wireless connection, iPhones are wi-fi ready and with LTE Advanced. The operating system should at least iOS9. Apple said that “iOS 9 is the most advanced, intelligent, and secure mobile operating system in the world.”


Do You Really Need the New iPhone Released?

The next thing to consider is “did you really need the new iPhone release?” Where do you want to use the iPhone? For personal use only or for your business.

A reader asked a question last 11th of February. Joshua from Delaware asked a saving money tips and a simple romantic idea for Valentines day. (Sorry Joshua, I didn’t not answered and published your question on time).

Is it good to give my girlfriend the new iPhone even if the price is considerably expensive? I would like to know if buying iPhone for my girlfriend can be a good idea. Thanks – Joshua

Image: Yeray Hdez Guerra via Flickr CC 2.0

To Buy New iPhone Release or Not?

Joshua wants to give his girlfriend a latest iPhone. Maybe iPhone 6S. According to his letter, he already know what is the price of the new iPhone and he thinks he can’t afford it. But, he wants to make her girlfriend happy. If you are Joshua, what would you do?

  1. Will you buy a used iPhone for your girlfriend?
  2. Will you just use the money to treat your girlfriend in a fine dining restaurant?
  3. Will you use buy roses and chocolates and promise your girlfriend to buy the new iPhone release (maybe iPhone 7)

If I were Joshua, I will spend the money to make my girlfriend feel so special and loved. Maybe a local travel, fine dining, a simple dozen of roses, a chocolate, a necklace or other lovely jewelry. Plus, I will buy the new iPhone release whatever cost will be.

Maybe other guys out there will say “when I have extra money that can be use to buy new iPhone release, I will buy new one for her.” The word is “extra money”. They say, if you will always tell yourself “you can’t afford something”, you will remain poor. Why not say this to yourself; “I can afford this. I can afford that!”.

Actually, this post can be applied to the “law of attraction” for money or law of attractions for the things that you want.

What about you? What would you do if you were Joshua? Will you buy the new iPhone release or not? Leave your thoughts in the comment box below.

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