Brexit Meaning: British Exit News, Updates, Analysts, Comments


Brexit simply means “British Exit”. The Brexit refers to the referendum by British voters on June 23, 2016 to exit European Union. The EU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. What’s the reason why United Kingdom wants to leave the European Union? According to Brian Klaas; “One is the cultural nostalgia for Britain’s lost place in the world. This idea that Britain used to matter, Britain used to be able to do things without having to consult Brussels.” The said campaign will have a big impact to British people and UK economy.

The British Exit (Brexit) will affect different aspects in economy. Banking, business, markets, travel, diplomacy, investment, forex, employment and trading.


Brexit – what Would Happen if Britain left the European Union

To know what would happen if UK left EU, try to read some point of views from experts and political analyst.

United Kingdom: A Good Place to Invest

“The attractiveness of the UK as a place to invest and do automotive business is clearly underpinned by the UK’s influential membership of the EU.”


London is Europe Financial Center

“Our research clearly shows that leaving the EU would seriously damage economic growth and jobs in the UK. But the EU can and must be improved. It must not interfere in things which it does not need to do and it must make a better job of doing the things it has to do. We need to continue saying this loudly and clearly. London is Europe’s financial centre so there is a strong national interest in getting this right.”

Source: Gerry Grimstone @

Trade Would Substantially Fall

“Politicians who continue to claim that 3m jobs are linked to our EU membership should be publicly challenged over misuse of this assertion. Jobs are associated with trade, not membership of a political union, and there is little evidence to suggest that trade would substantially fall between British businesses and European consumers in the event the UK was outside the EU.”

“It would adapt quickly to changed relationships with the EU. Prior to the financial crisis, the UK saw on average 4m jobs created and 3.7m jobs lost each year – showing how common substantial churn of jobs is at any given time. The annual creation and destruction of jobs is almost exactly the same scale as the estimated 3-4m jobs that are associated with exports to the EU.”

Source: Ryan Bourne in

Brexit Poll Online: Should the United Inkgdom Remain a Member of the EU (European Union) or Leave the European Union?

Image Courtesy: Google

Brexit Meaning: British Exit News, Updates, Analysts, Comments

Now, tell us more about Brexit. What does it really mean to United Kingdom and to European Union. Share your thoughts, comments and reactions in the comment box below.

If united Kingdom will leave the European Union, what would be the effects in its economy, markets and trades. Tell us more the advantage and disadvantage of Brexit. Why do you think Brexit is Good and why it is bad? Is it a good idea? What would be the consequences of Brexit? Thank you.

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